Culpeper Projects
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Route 29 Solutions
Route 29 Solutions
Route 29/250 interchange improvements, Berkmar Drive extension north to Hollymead Town Center, Route 29 widening, Route 29/Rio Road grade-separated intersection, Adaptive signal technology on Route 29, Hillsdale Drive Extension, Route 29/Hydraulic Road grade-separated intersection, Hillsdale Drive South
Under Construction
2023 Culpeper District Paving & Resurfacing
Albemarle Co. Design-Build Projects
I-64 at exit 118 interchange improvements, I-64 at exit 124 diverging diamond interchange, Fontaine Avenue exit ramp improvements, Route 250/151 roundabout, U.S. 250 Truck Arrestor System, Route 20/649/1494 roundabout, Rio Mills connector road
Route 708 bridge over North Fork Hardware River, Albemarle County
Rehabilitation of Red Hill Road bridge in Scottsville
Coming Soon
Broadview Avenue, Town of Warrenton
Installation of median from U.S. 211 to south of U.S. 17 and intersection improvements
In Design
Albemarle Intersection Design-Build Bundle #2
Five Albemarle intersection projects projects combined into a design-build bundle
Improvements at US 250, Old Garth Rd and Old Ivy Rd
US 250-Old Garth Road Intersection
Interstate 64 Afton Mountain Safety Improvements
Installation of queue detection warning system and upgraded lighting at exit 99
Roundabout at U.S. 33 and Route 20
Intersection improvement at U.S. 33 and Route 20, Barboursville
Route 240/250/680 Roundabout, Albemarle County
Reconstruction of the intersection as a roundabout
Route 29 at Route 662 (Shelby Road), Madison County
Construction of a restricted crossing U-turn intersection
Route 3-McDevitt Drive Roundabout
Intersection improvement at Route 3 & Route 799 (McDevitt Drive)
Route 600 (South Boston Road) and Route 618 (Lake Monticello Road), Fluvanna
Intersection Improvements
Route 601 (Flat Run Road), Orange County
Safety improvements
Route 601 (Old Ivy Road), Albemarle County
Replacement of bridge over Route 29/250 Bypass
Route 651 (Sumerduck Road), Fauquier County
Replacement of 2 bridge superstructures on Route 651
Route 670 Connector Road, Greene County
Construction of road to connect Route 29 and Route 670 (Preddy Creek Road)
Route 701 (Belle Meade Road), Louisa County
Rehabilitation of bridge over Little River
Route 702 (Fontaine Avenue Extended), Albemarle County
Replacement of bridge of Morey Creek
U.S. 15/29 at Route 600 (Broad Run Church Rd.), Fauquier Co.
Intersection Improvements
U.S. 522 and Route 208, Louisa County
Construction of roundabout
5th Street Station Trail and Hub
Construction of shared-use path and two pedestrian bridges
Hillsdale Drive South
An extension of Hillsdale Drive south from Hydraulic Road
Hydraulic Road and U.S. 29 Transportation Improvements
Transportation Improvements within the U.S. 29-Hydraulic Road corridor
Interstate 64 at Exit 107 Park and Ride Lot
Construction of commuter lot in the Crozet area of Albemarle County
Route 759 (White Hall Road) over Mechunk Creek
Bridge replacement project in Fluvanna County
U.S. 17 at Route 663, Intersection Improvements, Fauquier County
Construction of Restricted Crossing U-turn (RCUT) Intersection at Marsh Road and Covingtons Corner/Balls Mill Road
U.S. 250 at Route 631 Intersection Improvements, Fluvanna County
Construction of a roundabout at Richmond Road/Troy Road intersection
Project Pipeline: Barracks Road Corridor
A study of the Route 654 corridor in Albemarle County/City of Charlottesville
Project Pipeline: Ivy Road Corridor
A study of the U.S. 250 corridor in Albemarle County/City of Charlottesville
Project Pipeline: Madison Road Corridor
A study of the U.S. 29 Business corridor within the Town of Culpeper
Project Pipeline: Shirley Avenue Corridor
A study of the U.S. 17 Business corridor within the Town of Warrenton
Route 250 (Ivy Road) Corridor Improvement Study, Albemarle County
Route 29/Hydraulic Road Intersection
Improvements to the intersection of Route 29 and Hydraulic Road in Charlottesville
Route 631 (5th Street/Old Lynchburg Road) Corridor, Charlottesville & Albemarle
Fifth Street Corridor Study
STARS U.S. 15 Business Corridor Study, Culpeper Co.
STARS U.S. 15/17/29 Corridor Study, Fauquier Co.
U.S. 17 (Winchester Rd.) at Rt. 245 (Old Tavern Rd.)/Rt. 703 (Enon Church Rd.), Fauquier Co.
Intersection Study, Fauquier Co.
U.S. 29 Corridor Study, Albemarle and Greene counties
Zion Crossroads Corridor Improvement Study (Routes 15 and 250), Fluvanna & Louisa Counties
Recently Completed
Brandy Station Park and Ride, Culpeper County
Expansion of park and ride lot
Business Route 15 (Remington Road), Culpeper County
Rehabilitation of bridge over Rappahannock River
I-64 Interchange at Route 15, Zion Crossroads
Construction of diverging diamond interchange (DDI)
Interstate 64 Bridge Maintenance, Albemarle County
Rehabilitating bridges over Route 20 and Route 29
Louisa - Roundabout at Broad Street Road and Cross County Road
Project to improve safety and traffic flow at U.S. 250 & U.S. 522 intersection
Route 15/17/29 Warrenton Interchange, Fauquier County
Construction of grade-separated interchange at Rt. 15/17/29 (Eastern Bypass), Rt. 15/17/29 Business and Rt. 880 (Lord Fairfax Drive.)
Route 20 at Route 231, Orange County
Construction of roundabout
Route 240 (Crozet Avenue), Albemarle County
Rehabilitation of bridge over Lickinghole Creek
Route 29 at Route 718, Culpeper Co.
Construction of a restricted crossing U-turn intersection
Route 29 at Vint Hill Road, Fauquier County
Safety improvements on Rt. 29 south of the Rt. 215 (Vint Hill Rd.) intersection
Route 53 and Route 618, Fluvanna County
Construction of roundabout
Route 602 (Rogues Road), Fauquier County
Reconstruction of roadway near Academic Avenue
Route 629 (Deep Creek Road), Fluvanna County
Replacement of Bridge over Middle Fork Kent Branch
Route 635 (Greenwood Road), Orange County
Replacement of bridge over Norfolk Southern Railroad
Route 647 (Crest Hill Road), Fauquier County
Replacement of bridge over Thumb Run
Route 667 (Catterton Road), Albemarle County
Replacement of bridge over Piney Creek
Route 726 (James River Road), Albemarle County
Replacement of bridge over Totier Creek
Route 767 (School Bus Road), Louisa County
Relocation of School Bus Road to align with Chalklevel Road
U.S. 17 (Marsh Road), Fauquier County
Rehabilitation of southbound bridge over Norfolk Southern Railway and Route 805 (Bealeton Road)
U.S. 29-Vint Hill Rd. Intersection Improvements
Dual left-turn lanes from SB U.S. 29 to Route 215, Fauquier County
U.S. 33 at U.S. 29, Greene County
Improvements at the intersection of U.S. 33 and U.S. 29 in Ruckersville
Warrenton Park and Ride, Fauquier County
Expansion of park and ride lot
Waterloo Bridge, Culpeper Co./Fauquier Co.
Rehabilitation of the Route 613 (Waterloo Road) bridge over the Rappahannock River