Under Construction: Albemarle Co. Design-Build Projects

VDOT has combined several projects in Albemarle County into one design-build contract. Curtis Contracting Inc, of West Point was awarded the $28.5 million design-build contract in July 2019. Wallace Montgomery is providing design services. The following projects are elements of the contract and are either under construction or complete:
- Interstate 64 at exit 118 Interchange Modifications
- Interstate 64 at exit 124 Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI)
- Fontaine Avenue Ramp Improvements
- Construction of Roundabout at U.S. 250 and Route 151
- Construction of U.S. 250 Truck Arrestor System
- Construction of Roundabout at Route 20 and Route 649
- Rio Mills Road/Berkmar Drive Connection
1: I-64 at Exit 118 Interchange Modifications
This project involved eliminating the loop ramp from southbound Route 29 to eastbound I-64. A dual left-turn lane and a connection to the existing ramp from northbound Route 29 to eastbound I-64 was constructed. This modification eliminated two weave movements that were identified as a factor in many crashes.
More information
- SMART SCALE Application
- SMART SCALE Scorecard
- Project Cost: $1.8 million
- UPC: 111727
2: I-64 at Exit 124 Diverging Diamond Interchange
This project will build a diverging diamond interchange (DDI) on U.S. 250 and make other low-cost improvements for safety and congestion relief. The work also includes ramp improvements, new signals and signal upgrades, drainage improvements and utility relocations.
By shifting vehicles to the opposite side of the road, this design eliminates traditional left turns that cross over oncoming traffic. The DDI improves safety by reducing the number of spots where vehicles could collide and can handle more than 600 left-turn movements per hour, twice the capacity of a conventional interchange.
Virginia’s first DDI opened in 2014 at the I-64/Route 15 interchange at Zion Crossroads in Louisa County.
Sequence of construction
Open full-size view of the construction sequence graphic
Time lapse video
VDOT has installed a time-lapse camera for the diverging diamond interchange. A new image will be taken approximately every 10 minutes. Open the construction time-lapse camera to watch the project progress.
More information
NEW: Drone Shots of Construction
- VDOT--Route 250 DDI AM Peak Traffic Projection
- VDOT--Route 250 DDI PM Peak Traffic Projection
- FHWA--Alternative Intersections: Diverging Diamond Interchange [Video]
- FHWA--Alternative Intersections: Restricted Crossing U-Turns [Video]
- SMART SCALE Application
- SMART SCALE Scorecard
- Project Cost: $14.3 million
- UPC: 111814
3: Fontaine Avenue Ramp Improvements
This project involved adding an option lane — through/right-merge lane — at the Fontaine Avenue exit from northbound Route 29. The project was designed to ease weaving issues and remove conflict points.
More information
- SMART SCALE Application
- SMART SCALE Scorecard
- Project Cost: $1.7 million
- UPC: 111813
4: Construction of Roundabout at U.S. 250 and Route 151
The intersection of U.S. 250 (Rockfish Gap Turnpike) and Route 151 (Critzers Shop Road) in Afton, near the Nelson County line, will be reconstructed as a roundabout.
In recent years there have been an increasing number of crashes at this intersection. This project will improve operations and safety at the busy intersection while managing traffic speeds and correcting geometric deficiencies that have been identified as contributing factors in crashes at the intersection.
A temporary signal was installed in April 2017 as an intermediate measure. Advance warning flashers and in-lane rumble strips have also been installed on the downhill eastbound U.S. 250 approach to slow traffic.
More information
5: Construction of U.S. 250 Truck Arrestor System
Approximately 1,800 feet west of the roundabout constructed at U.S. 250 and Route 151, crews are installing a truck arrestor system on the eastbound side of U.S. 250 in Albemarle County. This system is the first of its kind in Virginia and addresses an identified safety issue for trucks descending Afton Mountain.
A truck arrestor system is a traffic device that enables vehicles which are having braking problems to stop safely. The arrestor is comprised of a series of stainless-steel nets set up along a truck escape ramp. The array of nets is arranged in such a manner to stop the vehicle in the distance allowed, while minimizing the deceleration forces.
"Runaway Truck Ramp" and "Runaway Vehicle Only" signs to alert drivers of the ramp as they descend Afton Mountain will be installed as part of this project.
More information
- Project Cost: $5.5 million
- UPC: 122394
6: Construction of Roundabout at Route 20 and Route 649
This project will convert the intersection of Route 20 (Stony Point Road), Route 649 (Proffit Road) and Route 1494 (Riggory Ridge Road) to a single-lane roundabout to improve safety and traffic flow.
More information
- NEW: Drone Shots of Roundabout
- NEW; Video of Traffic
- Click here to view graphics of each phase of construction
- FHWA: Modern Roundabouts--A Safer Choice [Video]
- SMART SCALE Application
- SMART SCALE Scorecard
- Project Cost: $3 million
- UPC: 111733
7: Rio Mills Road/Berkmar Drive Connection
The new Route 643 (Rio Mills Road) connection to Route 1403 (Berkmar Drive) opened to traffic on June 16, 2021. The quarter-mile long two-lane extension runs from the existing Rio Mills Road east to Berkmar Drive, and includes a paved multi-use trail. The trail connects to existing bike lanes, sidewalk and a multi-use path on Berkmar Drive.
With the new road open to traffic, the existing section of Rio Mills Road from the new connection south to Millers Cottage Lane, a private road just north of the South Fork Rivanna River, is closed to traffic. Local traffic will still be able to access the Rivanna River boat launch area just west of U.S. 29 and all private residences along Rio Mills Road maintain access from either end of the road.
More information
- SMART SCALE Application
- SMART SCALE Scorecard
- UPC: 109397
VDOT combined several projects in Albemarle County into one design-build package. The projects were bundled to provide the greatest efficiency in construction and delivery.
Major Milestones
Request For Qualifications Released: July 11, 2018
Public hearings: October 9,10, 2018
Public comment period ends: October 21, 2018
Release Request for Proposals: October 2018
Technical Proposals Due: April 2019
Price Proposals Due: June 2019
Design-Build contract award: July 2019
Construction completion: Spring 2023
Project schedule is subject to change.
Phase: Under Construction
Lat/Long: N/A