In Design: Albemarle Intersection Design-Build Bundle #2
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Project Description
Preliminary engineering is underway on five intersection projects in Albemarle County, which have been combined into a single design-build bundle. The projects will be funded by a combination of SMART SCALE and Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) dollars. With this project bundle, the following will be constructed:
Roundabout at Routes 240/250/680
VDOT will reconstruct the existing intersection of Route 240 (Three Notched Road), Route 250 (Rockfish Gap Turnpike) and Route 680 (Browns Gap Turnpike) as a four-leg, single-lane roundabout. Using HSIP funds, the proposed roundabout will improve traffic safety and more efficiently move traffic through the busy Albemarle County intersection.
During construction, VDOT proposes to close Route 680 to through traffic between Route 250 and Route 802 (Old Three Notched Road) with a posted detour. Traffic would be detoured via Route 240 to Route 802 for about two months. The existing Route 680 single lane bridge over Lickinghole Creek, adjacent to this project, is being planned for replacement immediately after the roundabout is constructed.
State Project: 0250-002-957, C501, P101, R201; Federal Project: OC-5104(268), HSIP-5104(327); UPC: 111729
Continuous Green-T Intersection at Route 631 (Rio Road East) and Belvedere Boulevard
Using SMART SCALE funds, the intersection of Route 631 (Rio Road East) and Belvedere Boulevard will be reconstructed as a Continuous Green-T (CGT) intersection, where vehicles traveling eastbound along Rio Road can continue through the intersection without stopping.
Vehicles turning left onto Rio Road from Belvedere Boulevard would use a channelized receiving lane on Rio Road to merge onto Rio Road eastbound. Vehicles traveling on Rio Road can make right or left turns onto Belvedere Boulevard and vehicles on Belvedere Boulevard can turn right or left onto Rio Road.
It is still to be determined whether this intersection treatment will be signalized. Traffic from westbound Rio to the church located on the south side of Rio Road would utilize a U-turn location at Greenbrier Terrace. This project was identified in the Rio Road Corridor Study to address safety and mitigate congestion.
State Project: 0631-002-036, C501, P101, R201; Federal Project: STP-5104(334), STP-5104(335), STP-5104(336); UPC: 123901
Roundabout at Route 631 and John Warner Parkway
This project will convert the existing signalized intersection at Route 631 (Rio Road East) and John Warner Parkway to a roundabout. This will reduce the number of conflict points and crashes at the intersection and will improve mobility along the corridor with improvements to pedestrian and bicyclist features. With this project, the existing CAT bus stop will be relocated and a bus shelter and bench will be provided.
State Project: 0631-002-012, C501, P101, R201; Federal Project: STP-5104(308); UPC: 118876
Roundabout at Routes 20/53
This project will convert the existing signalized intersection at Route 20 (Scottsville Road) and Route 53 (Thomas Jefferson Parkway) to a roundabout. The three-leg roundabout will use channelization for right-turning traffic from Route 53 to Route 20 and includes a shared-use path along Route 20 north and a sidewalk along Route 20 south. This project will improve motorist safety by reducing conflict points and potential crashes, and will provide improved access for pedestrians and bicyclists.
State Project: 0020-002-011, C501, P101, R201; Federal Project: STP-5104(314); UPC: 118875
Roundabout at Routes 780/631
This project will convert the existing unsignalized intersection at Route 780 (Old Lynchburg Road) and Route 631 (5th Street) to a four-leg, hybrid roundabout. A bus shelter and bench will also be provided with the project. This will help reduce conflict points and increase pedestrian and bicyclist access at the intersection. A traffic study of this intersection was completed in 2020.
State Project: 0631-002-013, C501, P101, R201; Federal Project: STP-5104(307); UPC: 118878
With this project bundle, five conventional intersections in Albemarle County will be reconstructed as innovative intersections. Innovative intersections reduce delay, increase efficiency and provide safer travel for all road users. Safety will be improved by reducing conflict points and potential crashes, and will provide improved access for pedestrians and bicyclists.
A design-build contract combines engineering design services, construction services, and/or maintenance services into a single contract. The major benefits of design-build construction include streamlined communication between VDOT and the contractor, faster project completion, increased collaboration and cost savings.
CGT intersection benefits
A Continuous Green-T (CGT) intersection is designed where one major street direction of travel (the top side of the “T”) can pass through the intersection without stopping, and the opposite major street direction of travel is typically controlled by a traffic signal. Left-turn vehicles from the side street use a channelized receiving lane on the major street to merge onto the major street. The benefits this design include:
- Improved safety: Channelizing left-turn vehicles from the side street reduces the potential for angle crashes
- Increased efficiency: One direction of travel on the major street is free-flow, and, as a result, more green time can be provided to the other movements, reducing delay
- Free-flow in one direction: One direction of travel on the major street never stops, which improves traffic signal synchronization and reduces corridor travel times
Roundabout benefits
A roundabout is a circular, unsignalized intersection where all traffic moves counterclockwise around a central island. Traffic entering the roundabout slows down and yields to traffic already inside the roundabout. Roundabouts can include one or more circulating lanes. The benefits of a roundabout include:
- Improved safety: Reduces the number of points where vehicles can cross paths and eliminates the potential for right-angle and head-on crashes
- Increased efficiency: Yield-controlled design means fewer stops, fewer delays and shorter queues
- Safer speeds: Promotes lower vehicle speeds, giving drivers more time to react
- Long-term cost effectiveness: No traffic signals means lower long-term costs for operations and maintenance
- Aesthetics: Allows for landscaping and beautification
Major Milestones
- Public Hearings: Tuesday, Sept. 19 and Thursday, Sept. 21, 2023
- Advertise RFQ: Fall 2023
- Statements of Qualification: Fall 2023
- Request for Proposals (RFP) Release: Winter 2023
- Anticipated CTB Award Date: Spring 2024
Hal Jones, Project Manager
Lou Hatter, Culpeper District Communications
Other relevant links:
Public hearing materials, Sept. 19 and 21, 2023:
Major funding source: SMART SCALE and HSIP
Lat/Long: N/A