Making Transportation Better
Here's How VDOT Works to Improve Travel In The Commonwealth
Highway safety corridors
The Virginia Department of Transportation's (VDOT) Highway Safety Corridor program is designed to reduce the number of traffic accidents in high crash areas.
Park and Ride
Nearly 300 lots across Virginia provide commuters with convenient access to car pools, van pools and public transit.
Wildflower & Pollinator habitat
Learn about VDOT's program to help pollinators and the environment.
Work zone safety
VDOT provides tips for driving safely through construction sites.
Safe Routes to School
This program encourages children, including those with disabilities, to walk and bicycle to school.
Concerned about construction? Want to help shape transportation in your area? Attend a public meeting in an area near you.
Public participation process
Want to learn more about public participation in planning and programming? Check out our citizen's guide.
VDOT is keeping the public informed and educated on important issues concerning safety. These pages provide links about various safety issues.
Scenic byways
This program identifies road corridors containing aesthetic or cultural value near areas of historical, natural or recreational significance. The program encourages travel to interesting destinations and away from high-traffic corridors.
This popular program counts on local communities to help keep Virginia roadsides beautiful.
VDOT's commitment to a cleaner Virginia.
Bicycling and walking
VDOT's numerous scenic biking and walking trails are among the finest in the country.
Arterial preservation
These major highways accommodate long-distance mobility of people and goods throughout the commonwealth. Preserving mobility on these corridors is critical to the current and future economy.
State Trails Office
The office develops connected, safe and accessible trail networks throughout Virginia.

Integrated directional signing
Want to help travelers find your business, service or attraction? Here's what you need to know.
VDOT offers five programs to assist localities in addressing residential traffic problems.
VDOT paves the way for future roads by bringing accessibility and safety to remote regions of the commonwealth.
VDOT has many initiatives to preserve the environment while keeping Virginia moving.
Volunteer mowing
Safety is always VDOT's top priority for volunteers mowing a state-maintained road.
Connected and automated vehicles
Connected and automated vehicle technologies and solutions are expected to bring transformative change to the safety and efficiency of surface transportation.
Science of VDOT
Take an exciting adventure as we report on how VDOT is using science and technology to improve transportation.
STARS This is a data driven program which develops comprehensive and innovative transportation solutions to relieve congestion bottlenecks and solve critical traffic and safety challenges throughout the commonwealth.