Studies: U.S. 29 Corridor Study, Albemarle and Greene counties
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Study Details
The U.S. 29 (Seminole Trail) corridor improvement study evaluates automobile, transit, bicycle, and pedestrian conditions between Route 649 (Airport Road) in Albemarle County and Deerfield Drive in Greene County. Of the 19 total intersections, 8 are in Greene County and 11 are in Albemarle County. The study assesses future travel projections and development patterns.
The study vision is for U.S. 29 to provide safe travel and adequate capacity for all uses and users of the roadway.
Study Goals
- Improve safety
- Manage congestion
- Increase multimodal usability and accessibility
- Support future growth
- Supports economics development
This study is supported by a stakeholder group made up of representatives from Albemarle County, Greene County, the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission (TJPDC), Charlottesville Area Transit (CAT), and Jaunt.
Final Report
The final report for the U.S. 29 corridor improvement study was published in July 2023.
Online Public Meeting
An online public meeting was held on June 9, 2023. The public input gathered at this meeting was used to help further refine the study’s goals and objectives used to guide the study.
The purpose of the study was to identify and vet potential operational and safety improvements along U.S.29 north of Charlottesville in Albemarle County and Greene County.
Chuck Proctor, Culpeper District Planning Manager
Other relevant links:
Final Report for the U.S. 29 Corridor Improvement Study, July 2023 (19.8 MB)
Existing and Future No-Build Condition Report, August 2021 (5 MB)
Stakeholder meeting #1 presentation, June 2021 (1 MB)
Stakeholder meeting #1 minutes, June 2021 (330 KB)
Stakeholders Meeting 2, Presentation, July 2021 (1.1 MB)
Stakeholders Meeting 2, Agenda, July 2021 (144 KB)
Survey 1 Results, October 2021 (933 KB)
Lat/Long: N/A