Park and Ride Lots

In this section:

Avoiding the rush
"I ride the bus to avoid driving in rush hour traffic."
Want more about commuter options? Check out area commuter resource agency.
Planning and Investment Resources
Park and Ride Lot best practices, policies and relevant planning materials are available for those involved with planning and managing Park and Ride lots.
If you are interested in additional documents, email
Park and Ride Design Guidelines
The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) assists in the planning of Park and Ride projects, both as stand-alone lots projects and those planned as part of a larger project. View our Park and Ride Design Guidelines.
Park and Ride Investment Strategies
VDOT’s Park and Ride lot investment strategies' study displays the top ranked Park and Ride needs in each of the nine VDOT construction districts.
Each Park and Ride lot priority has a summary sheet with project details, including location, cost estimate, and projected benefits.
VTrans2040 ( is the long-range, statewide multimodal policy plan that provides the overarching vision and goals for transportation in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
It identifies transportation conditions and trends anticipated and their potential influence on transportation.
Return on Investment of TDM Calculator
Mobility Lab, a program of Arlington County, Virginia’s Commuter Services Bureau, LDA Consulting, and the Center for Urban Transportation Research at the University of South Florida – through a grant from the Federal Highway Administration – has created a pair of calculators for the transportation demand management industry to quantify the return on investment in local economies from its strategies.
Our Partner
VDOT works closely with the Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT).
DRPT's mission to improve the mobility of people and goods while expanding transportation choices in the commonwealth.
This agency plays a key role in ensuring mobility for Virginians. DRPT focuses on rail, public transportation and commuter services.
Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation
600 E. Main St., Suite 2102, Richmond, Virginia 23219