Park and Ride in Virginia

Close and convenient
"The Park and Ride lot is close to home, and the bus I take lets me off in front of the building I work in."
Want more info? Check your area commuter resource agency.
Frequently Asked Questions
Find the most common Park and Ride questions and answers below. If you don't find what you're looking for, send an email.
Click a question for the answer:
- How do I find a Park and Ride lot near me?
- Is there a cost to use a Park and Ride lot?
- How long can I leave my car at a Park and Ride lot?
- Does transit come to my Park and Ride lot?
- How do I get from the Park and Ride lot to work or school?
- My Park and Ride lot is full (or overfull) every day. What can be done?
- There is a maintenance issue at my Park and Ride lot. What do I do?
- How does VDOT determine where new Park and Ride lots should be?
- Who decides where a Park and Ride lot is built?
- Who maintains Park and Ride lots?
- How do I suggest where a Park and Ride lot should be built?
- What are Express Lanes and how will they impact my travel?
- Who is a "commuter"?
How do I find a Park and Ride lot near me?
Click here for our interactive map to locate a Park and Ride lot near you. Enter your ZIP code, address, city, or county into the search bar, or navigate around the map.
Is there a cost to use a Park and Ride lot?
Most Park and Ride lots are free. However, not all are. Click on a map droplet and open the information for your lot.
If there is a fee, it will be shown. If there is a charge and you would like more information, contact the commuter resource agency near you.
How long can I leave my car at a Park and Ride lot?
Overnight parking is allowed unless there are signs on the lot which say otherwise. You can also check the interactive map to find out ahead of time.
Does transit come to my Park and Ride lot?
Transit serves many of the state's Park and Ride lots. To see if your lot is served, click open the information box for your lot by clicking on a map droplet.
How do I get from the Park and Ride lot to work or school?
There are several ways to complete your commute.
Use your mouse to click on the map droplet and open the information box for your lot to find information on transit service.
Information is also provided regarding bike parking accommodations (racks or lockers).
Contact the Department of Rail and Public Transportation or your regional commuter resource agency for information on carpooling and vanpooling.
My Park and Ride lot is full every day. What can be done?
The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) tries to stay abreast of the status and capacity of the Park and Ride lots. We can use your help.
If you need to find a different lot because the one you use is full, use one of the search functions. If you have information to share about the lot you use, contact us.
There is a maintenance issue at my Park and Ride lot. What do I do?
To report an issue, please contact us.
How does VDOT determine where new Park and Ride lots should be?
VDOT completed a Park and Ride Lot Inventory and Usage Study in early 2013 that culminated in the creation of a VDOT Park and Ride Investment Strategy.
As part of the study, VDOT updated the inventory of existing Park and Ride lots, defined a methodology for determining additional Park and Ride needs, and identified where new or expanded lots should be.
Who decides where a Park and Ride lot is built?
VDOT works with local, regional and state planning and rideshare agencies to plan lot locations.
Some Park and Ride lots take years to plan. First, the particular commuter corridor is reviewed to determine traffic demand, type of users / commuters and the projected future demand.
If most planning variables point to the need for a Park and Ride lot, VDOT works with local and regional planning bodies to identify potential locations.
After that, the processes of securing funding, real estate and configuring the design, infrastructure and amenities begins.
Other Park and Ride lots exist throughout the state and do not undergo the typical planning process.
Instead, they are formed on an ad hoc basis.
These Park and Ride lots are lots where commuters know they are allowed to park and do so regularly, but the lot is not designated specifically or only for Park and Ride use.
Often, permission to use the lot is given by the land owner, but no written agreement exists between the land owner and locality, VDOT or other agency.
VDOT is interested in watching where these informal lots develop as they sometimes indicate a need to construct a Park and Ride lot.
Who maintains Park and Ride lots?
VDOT maintains our Park and Ride lots. Other entities, such as localities, transit agencies or other land owners, maintain Park and Ride lots as well.
To report an issue, submit your need at or call 1-800-367-7673.
How do I suggest where a Park and Ride lot should be built?
Click here to email us.
What are Express Lanes and how will they impact my travel?
High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes allow cars with a certain number of occupants (usually two or three, depending upon the route) to use tolled Express Lanes free, saving travelers time and money.
Learn more about Express Lanes in Northern Virginia and Hampton Roads here.
Who is a "commuter"?
The Federal Highway Administration defines a commuter as "A person who travels regularly between home and work or school."