VDOT Arterial Preservation Program
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This page highlights the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Arterial Preservation Program.: |
| Program purpose and need | | | Arterial Preservation Network | | | Program goals | | | Implementation strategies | | | Program initiatives | | | Resources | |
The Arterial Preservation Program is designed to preserve and enhance the safety and capacity of the critical transportation highways included in the Arterial Preservation Network.
Arterials are major highways that function similarly to the interstate system, accommodating long-distance mobility of people and goods throughout the commonwealth. Preserving mobility on these corridors is critical to the current and future economy.
Within the framework of the Arterial Preservation Program, VDOT is developing methodologies to consistently and programmatically evaluate the corridors through the use of Arterial Management Plans, creating a toolbox of safety, preservation and enhancement strategies and identifying opportunities to implement these strategies.
Safety, preservation and enhancement strategies serve as an alternative to widening major highways to add capacity, promoting the use of innovative transportation solutions, minimizing delays for through traffic and improving safety, while incorporating local economic development goals.
The Arterial Preservation Program is voluntary and developed in partnership with localities- VDOT works closely with localities to plan for infrastructure that supports future land use and development.
Arterial Preservation Network
The Arterial Preservation Network is the state-maintained portion of the National Highway System in Virginia including some additional highways that facilitate connectivity. Over time, additional facilities may be added to further enhance connectivity should the need arise.
The map below shows the current network designation, effective May 1st, 2019.
National Highway System – includes the Interstate Highway System as well as other roads important to the nation’s economy, defense, and mobility.
- Interstates
- Other Principal Arterials
- Strategic Highway Network (STRAHNET)
- Major Strategic Highway Connectors
- Intermodal Connectors
Program Goals
The overarching goal of the Arterial Preservation Program is to preserve and enhance the safety and capacity of the Arterial Preservation Network while ensuring: |

Implementation Strategies
Implementation strategies for achieving program goals include: |

Program Initiatives
VDOT has initiated a review of current policies and procedures to align with the goals of the Arterial Preservation Program. This review process is focused on enhancing current policies and encouraging the use of innovative strategies to preserve safety and capacity.
The review process will evaluate:
- Current access management regulations – subject to Administrative Process Act procedures
- Current design exception process
- Innovative Intersection and Interchange design policies and guidance
- Traffic signal warrants
- VDOT’s role in project development on urban extension projects
As a result, the following policies and / or procedures have been updated so far:
- Office of Land Use – Revisions to IIM-LU-200, IIM-LU-500, and IIM-LU-501
- Road Design Manual – Chapter 2D, Appendix A, and Appendix F (Consideration for Innovative Intersections, state location and design engineer approval needed for new crossovers on Arterial Preservation Network)
- Traffic Engineering Division - IIM-TE-387.1 (Requirements for traffic signal justification reports)
- Transportation and Mobility Planning Division – IIM-TMPD-2.1 (Process for conducting planning studies on the Arterial Preservation Network)
Below are instructions and guidance in the deployment of the Arterial Preservation Program implementation strategies:
- VDOT Access Management Regulations. 24 vac 30-73
- Access Management Spacing Exceptions / Waivers, IIM-LU-501
- VDOT Innovative Intersection / Interchange information
- Appendix A of the Road Design Manual – with emphasis on laying the foundation for CSS - Common Sense Engineering and CSS to Transportation Challenges (IIM-LD-235.4) and Practical Design Flexibility in the Project Development Process - Fundamentals of Common Sense Engineering (IIM-LD-255).
- Appendix F of the Road Design Manual (access management, intersections, entrances and crossovers)
- VDOT Arterial Management Plan Methodology report
- VDOT Arterial Management Plan web page
- CTB presentations
- CTB Arterial Preservation Program presentation — May 2017
- CTB Access Management Workshop — October 2016
- CTB Arterial Preservation Workshop — February 2017
- CTB Arterial Preservation Workshop — May 2017
- Improving collaboration and consensus building in the coordination of Access Management and Land Use in Corridor Planning (VTRC Report 15-R20) – June 2015, Roger W. Howe
- VDOT junction screening tool (VJuST)
- Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and the Virginia Supplement to the MUTCD.
- Traffic Engineering Division - IIM-TE-387.1 (Requirements for traffic signal justification reports)
- Traffic Operations and Safety Analysis Manual (TOSAM)
- Transportation and Mobility Planning Division – IIM-TMPD-2.1 (Process for conducting planning studies on the Arterial Preservation Network)
- When Main Street Is a Highway: Addressing Conflicts between Land Use and Transportation (VTRC Report 17-R13) – December 2016, Kayleigh M. Roy and Peter B. Ohlms