Safe Routes to School
• Walk to School Day
• Student Travel Tally Week
• Crossing Guard Appreciation Day
• Bike to School Day
• Grant Opportunities
• Resource Library
• Marketing Toolkit
• Zone In, Not Out
• Other Links / Partners
Welcome to Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS). Click here to read a welcome letter from Virginia's Safe Routes to School Coordinator.
The SRTS program has been active in Virginia since 2007 and helps schools and communities make walking and biking to school a safe, convenient, natural activity.
If you’re new to SRTS, be sure to check out this program brochure for some quick facts about Virginia Safe Routes to School.
Program News
December 1 - Nominations are Open for Virginia's Most Outstanding Crossing Guard of 2023!
Does your crossing guard stand outside in all types of weather? Are they always smiling and have a kind word as you travel to and from school?
Nominate your crossing guard for Virginia's Most Outstanding Crossing Guard award using our online form. Be sure to include a photo and story letting us know how your crossing guard excels. Nominations close on January 19, 2024.
Crossing guards are more important than ever as more students are walking or being driven to school. Be sure to thank your crossing guard on Crossing Guard Appreciation Day on February 7, 2024. Find event ideas, thank you cards, and graphics to post on social media on the Crossing Guard Appreciation Day page.
November 15 - Register to Join Our Quarterly Conference Call!
Our next Quarterly Conference Call of the school year is happening on Wednesday, December 13th from 1-2:30 PM EST! Join us to talk more about upcoming events, crossing guards, and conversations with SRTS peers. You can register to join the meeting here. We hope to see you there!
Program Purpose and Goals
The SRTS Program is federally funded, created under Section 1404 of the 2005 Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU).
The purpose of SRTS is to:
- Enable and encourage children, including those with disabilities, to walk and bicycle to school
- Make bicycling and walking to school a safer and more appealing transportation alternative, thereby encouraging a healthy and active lifestyle from an early age
- Facilitate the planning, development, and implementation of projects and activities that will improve safety and reduce traffic, fuel consumption, and air pollution near schools
In July 2013, MAP-21 (the new federal transportation bill) became law, folding SRTS into a new Transportation Alternatives program. SRTS projects are now eligible to compete for funding alongside other programs, including the Transportation Enhancements program and Recreational Trails program. VDOT’s Local Assistance Division manages the Transportation Alternatives program. More information >>
SRTS Building Blocks
Virginia SRTS has a new framework to guide local programs. Like you, it's goal-oriented, with the ultimate goal of helping more students to safely walk and bicycle to school. The framework has five building blocks:
- Equitable and Sustainable Program
- Safe Streets
- Welcoming Campuses
- Safe Behaviors
- Supportive Culture
Equitable and Sustainable Program is the most important of these building blocks, and the foundation for your program. It helps you evaluate and build support for your program so it can continue from year to year. It also ensures that the program is equitable and takes proactive steps to reach out to and benefit students who are Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC), students with disabilities, students from low-income households, and other disadvantaged groups. Learn more about the building blocks and example activities in this document.
Success Book and Strategic Plan 
In 2020, the Virginia SRTS team wrote the Virginia Safe Routes to School Success Book, which documents the program’s history and accomplishments from 2005 to 2020. Click here to read the Success Book.
The first 2012-2017 Five-Year Strategic Plan guided the program through some major changes, creating the program structure and elements that exist today. Over the years the program has been fortunate to have consistent funding, but the funding situation has changed.
In spring 2021, VDOT convened stakeholders to develop a new strategic plan that can be used to secure dedicated funding and increase the effectiveness and reach of the program over the next five years. Click here to read the 2021-2026 Virginia SRTS Strategic Plan.
In 2023, the team wrote an addendum to the Success Book to highlight accomplishments in 2020-2022. The 2020-2022 report can be viewed here.
Katherine Graham
SRTS Coordinator
Transportation and Mobility Planning Division
Virginia Department of Transportation
1401 E. Broad St.
Richmond, Virginia 23219
Phone: 804-786-4198
Fax: 804-225-4785
TTY: 711