In Design: Arlington Boulevard Safety Improvements in Arlington County
Cost and schedule ►
Public outreach ►

This project will make improvements along nearly a mile of Arlington Boulevard (Route 50) between Glebe Road (Route 120) and Fillmore Street (Route 6622) based on recommendations from the Route 50 Arlington STARS Study. Arlington Boulevard averages 58,000 vehicles a day within the project limits.
The improvements include:
- Constructing a raised median along Arlington Boulevard
- Adding eastbound and westbound dedicated left-turn lanes at Irving Street
- Upgrading the traffic signal at Irving Street
- Extending the eastbound and westbound left-turn lanes at Fillmore Street
- Upgrading the traffic signal at Fillmore Street
- Extending the eastbound service road to connect existing driveways between South Old Glebe Road and North Jackson Street
- Extending the westbound service road to connect existing driveways between North Irving Street and North Jackson Street
- Reconstructing portions of the shared-use paths on both sides of Arlington Boulevard
As part of the project, the following will be evaluated:
- Potential new lighting between Irving Street and Fillmore Street
- On-street parking between Garfield Street and Fenwick Street
- Potential bus stop improvements
Estimated Project Costs
Preliminary Engineering: $3.04 million
Right of Way Acquisition and Utility Relocation: $10.03 million
Construction: $18.32 million
Total: $31.39 million
The project is financed with federal and state funding, including Smart Scale funds.
This project aims to improve safety and operations.
Major Milestones
Virtual Public Information Meeting - August 2023
Design Public Hearing - Late 2024
Begin Right of Way Acquisition - Early 2026
Begin Utility Relocation - Early 2027
Advertise for Construction - Early 2028
Begin Construction - Late 2028
Khalil Minhas, P.E., PMP, PTOE
Location & Design
Minwoo Ha, P.E.
Preliminary Engineering
Other relevant links:
Virtual Public Information Meeting -
August 2023
- Video Recording
- English Presentation
- Spanish Presentation
- Project Aerial Display - Glebe Road to South Hudson Street
- Project Aerial Display, Highland Street to Fillmore Street
- News Release
- Newspaper Ad
- Meeting Details
Arlington County Arlington Boulevard Trail Study Final Report - June 2023
Arlington County Arlington Boulevard Trail Study Webpage
Project Smart Scale Application
Right of Way and Utilities Webpage
Phase: In Design
UPC: 119086
State ID: 0050-000-923, C501, P101, R201
Federal ID: NHPP-5B01 (265)
Lat/Long: 38.872530, -77.093246