Route 50 STARS Safety and Operational Improvements Study - Arlington
Glebe Road to Fillmore Street
About the Study
This STARS (Strategically Targeted Affordable Roadway Solutions) study assessed potential safety and operational improvements for less than a mile of Route 50 (Arlington Boulevard) between Glebe Road and Fillmore Street in Arlington County.
This segment of Route 50 experiences congestion in the morning and evening peak periods and a high number of crashes. Route 50 averages 65,000 vehicles a day within the study limits.
The recommendations in the final report include:
- New left-turn lanes at Irving and extending the left-turn lane along westbound Route 50 at Fillmore
- Installing raised medians between Glebe and Irving, and between Irving and Fillmore
- Constructing a new service road along eastbound Route 50 between Glebe and North Jackson Street, and extending the service road along westbound Route 50 between Irving and North Jackson
- Reconstructing the shared-use path along eastbound Route 50 between Glebe and North Jackson
This study does not set construction dates for any of the alternatives. The purpose of this study is to develop proposed improvements that localities can pursue for funding, and to consider including in their comprehensive plans.
Begin Study - August 2019
Public Information Meeting - November 2019
Virtual Public Involvement - April - June 2020
Issue Final Report - August 2020
The final report was issued in August 2020. View the report here and the appendices here.
An online community meeting was held June 8, 2020. View the presentation here, supplemental traffic volume and trend information here, and answers to frequently asked questions here.
Virtual public involvement occurred April 30 - June 15, 2020. View the video presentation here and a PDF version here. The results of the online survey can be viewed here.
Public Information Meeting: November 2019 (Ad)
Meeting Materials and Displays: Welcome, Safety Conditions, Traffic Conditions, Potential Improvement Options and Next Steps, Aerial of Existing Conditions from Glebe to South Hudson Street and Aerial of Existing Conditions from Highland Street to Fillmore Street