Lynchburg Projects
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Under Construction
Route 131, Old Courthouse Road, Appomattox
Old Courthouse Road
Route 15 Roundabout at Route 360, Charlotte County
Route 311 Connector Road, Pittsylvania County
Route 311 Connector Road
Coming Soon
None at this time.
Candlers Mountain Road Corridor Study, City of Lynchburg
Candlers Mountain Road
Halifax Transportation Safety and Operations Study
Piney Forest Road Corridor Study
Project Pipeline Studies - Lynchburg District
Riverside Drive (US 58 Business) Corridor Improvement Study
Riverside Drive (US 58 Business) Corridor Improvement Study
Route 15 STARS Safety and Operational Improvements Study
Route 151 Corridor Study - Nelson County
Route 29 Corridor Assessment, Campbell County
Route 501 Corridor Study, Campbell and Halifax Counties
Route 60 Corridor Study
Route 60
Route 653, Nelson County, Section 106 Process
Route 653
South Amherst Highway Corridor Study
South Boston Transportation Safety and Operations Study
Timberlake Road Corridor Improvement Study
Timberlake Road Study
US 501/US 221 Intersection Improvement Project, City of Lynchburg
Village Highway (VA Route 24) Corridor Improvement Study
Wards Ferry Road (Lynchburg) Corridor Study/Intersection Improvement Project
Wards Road Corridor STARS Study, Lynchburg
Route 29 and Route 703 Tightsqueeze (Pittsylvania County)
In Design
Candlers Mountain Road Interchange, City of Lynchburg
Candlers Mountain Road Interchange
Laxton Road & Bee Drive Sidewalk Project, Campbell County
Route 29 (Wards Road) and Route 699 (Gladys Road) Intersection Improvement Project
RCUT (Restricted Crossing U-Turn)
Route 29 and Route 151 Intersection Improvements (Amherst County)
Intersection Improvements
Route 29 and Route 642 Intersection Safety Improvement Project
Intersection Safety Improvement Project
Route 311 (Berry Hill Road) Connector Road Extension
Route 45, Cartersville Road at Route 690 roundabout, Cumberland County
Route 45 at Route 690 roundabout
Route 501 and Route BUS 360 Intersection Improvement Project, Halifax County
Wards Ferry Road and CVCC Campus Drive Intersection Improvement Project
Recently Completed
Odd Fellows Road Interchange, Segment B2, City of Lynchburg
Route 15 at Route 636, Buckingham County
Route 15 at Route 665, Prince Edward County
Route 151 shoulder widening, Amherst County
Route 29, Main Street, Towns of Altavista and Hurt
Altavista Bridge
Route 501, Brookneal Highway Shoulder Widening, Campbell County
Route 501, L P Bailey Hwy, Passing Lane, Halifax County
Route 58 over Route 311, Pittsylvania County
Route 622 Reconstruction, Campbell County
Route 682, Woody's Lake Road, Amherst County
US 460 at Route 307 intersection improvements, Prince Edward County