US 58 Arterial Management Plan
Greensville County/Isle of Wight County/Southampton County/City of Franklin/City of Suffolk/City of EmporiaJune 2017
Est Completion Date
September 2018
Lengths and Limits
From the Hampton Roads construction boundary at the Greenville/Brunswick corporate limits to the eastern termini at the Suffolk Bypass.
Michael Baker International
Emporia, Greensville, Isle of Wight, Southampton, and Suffolk
Hampton Roads
Hampton Roads Communications
The purpose of an Arterial Management Plan is to develop a holistic approach that identifies ways to ensure the safety and preserve the capacity of the Commonwealth’s arterial highway network without wide scale roadway widenings. This Arterial Management Plan has been requested to identify investment recommendations that will help preserve and enhance this key transportation corridor due to the important role it plays in the region as a significant tourism corridor, a key freight corridor serving the Port of Virginia, a vital link within the Commonwealth, and a key facility for coastal evacuation and connections to North Carolina and points south.
Learn more about VDOT's Arterial Management Plans here.
Localities involved in the study include City of Emporia, City of Franklin, Greensville County, Isle of Wight County, Southampton County, and the City of Suffolk. In addition to the localities involved, the Port of Virginia, the Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization (TPO), and the Crater Planning District Commission are also critical stakeholders of the project.
Lengths and Limits:
The study area is 70.5 miles in length. The study area extends from the Hampton Roads construction boundary at the Greenville/Brunswick corporate limits to the eastern termini at the Suffolk Bypass. The study area includes several limited-access bypass segments at Courtland, Franklin, Emporia and Suffolk that are considered to be improved and therefore will receive limited analysis as part of the study.
Status/Current Activities:
View the final version of the study here.
Public Meetings:
The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) held three citizen information meetings in March 2019 to discuss conceptual designs related to the Route 58 Arterial Management Study.
VDOT presented the following documents at the meetings:
Recommendations Southampton County
March 18 Presentation: Southampton County
Recommendations Greensville County
March 20 Presentation: Emporia
Recommendations City of Suffolk from Holland Bypass to Longstreet Lane
Recommendations City of Suffolk from South Quay Road to Lummis Road
March 21 Presentation: City of Suffolk
Map Index of recommendations along Route 58 Corridor
Full booklet of recommendations for Route 58 Corridor
Comment sheet - The comment sheet may be printed and mailed. See instructions below:
Questions about VDOT's Innovative Intersections such as the Restricted Crossing U-Turn (RCUT) or Continuous Green-T (CGT)? Learn more about Innovative Intersections here.
View the 2019 public meeting notice here.
View the 2018 public meeting notice here.
View the presentation given at the 2018 public meetings here.