Recently Completed: South Quay Bridge Replacement (Route 189)

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The project is located on South Quay Road (Route 189) in Southampton County and the City of Suffolk. The previous bridge was constructed in 1940; was listed as structurally deficient with a load posting of 22 tons and had a vertical clearance of 15-feet.

The project involved construction of new roadway and bridge with two 11-foot lanes and 6-foot shoulders. Due to the higher elevation of the new bridge, improvement of 1,006 feet of approach roadway was also required. 


The purpose of the project was to replace the existing structurally deficient and functionally obsolete swing span bridge with a fixed span structure that will have a 35-foot vertical clearance.

Major Milestones 

Most recent milestones listed first:

  • Route 189 reopened to traffic on the new bridge on May 4, 2023, with final construction activities completed ahead of schedule in May 2023, over 30 days early.  
  • Bryant Structures Inc. based in Toano, Virginia was awarded the construction contract. Construction began in March 2021, with scheduled completion in Summer 2023. 
  • The South Quay Road Bridge Replacement project was scheduled for advertisement in August 2020. 
  • A design public hearing was held Wednesday, January 18, 2017 at Southampton County Office Center.


Contact Info:

Hampton Roads Communications

Project Photos

Other relevant links:

Project Brochure

UPC: 98813

Lat/Long: 36.645065, -76.857385

Locality: Southampton and Suffolk

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list of photos
Photos of the new bridge and approach roadway on Route 189

Page last modified: May 9, 2023