VDOT administers this program, in cooperation with participating localities, under the authority of Section 33.2-357 of the Code of Virginia.
The Revenue Sharing Program provides additional funding for use by a county, city, or town to construct or improve the highway systems within such locality, with statutory limitations on the amount of state funds authorized per locality.
Funds can also be requested for eligible additions in certain counties of the commonwealth.
Locality funds are matched with state funds for qualifying projects.
An annual allocation of funds for this program is designated by the CTB.
Application for program funding must be made online by accessing the CTB's Smart Portal, where localities may make requests for VDOT funding programs electronically.
Additional supporting documentation, including a resolution in support of the application for the Revenue Sharing funding by the locality’s governing body, as outlined in the Revenue Sharing guidelines, will be required.
Towns not maintaining their own streets must have their requests included in their county's application.
Project administration may be done by VDOT or by the locality under an agreement with the Department.
Application Deadlines
SMART Portal will open for pre-applications: Spring 2023
Upcoming Webinars
- Revenue Sharing Applicant Workshop on Wednesday, May 10, 2023 from 9am-noon.
- Recently LAD presented a Revenue Sharing and Transportation Alternative Program Policy Initiative Webinar to collect feedback and answer questions. Click here to see the presentation and slides.
Application Deadlines
SMART Portal will open for pre-applications: Spring 2023
Jonathan Liss
Virginia Department of Transportation
Local Assistance Division
1401 E. Broad St.
Richmond, Virginia 23219
Phone: 804-371-8764