Small Business Enterprise Program
The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), in accordance with the requirements of the U.S. Department of Transportation 49 CFR Part 26, Section 26.39, has developed a VDOT Small Business Enterprise Program (VSBEP) to ensure that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) and Small, Women and Minority-owned (SWaM) businesses have maximum opportunity to participate on federally-assisted projects.
The VSBEP is designed to:
- Increase the number of competitively awarded contracts to small businesses
- Maximize contract opportunities
- Minimize contract bundling
- Promote the use of small businesses in VDOT contract and subcontract opportunities
DBE and SWaM businesses in the program will be among a limited group of firms eligible to participate in selected federally-assisted contract opportunities set-aside for VSBEP.
Effective July 1, 2013, VDOT established a small business program for set-asides on selected federally-assisted construction and consulting contracts that have an estimated construction cost of $750,000 or less and have available certified and prequalified (construction only) DBE and SWaM firms to compete and perform work for each selected project within the geographical area of the project.
Criteria include:
- Business must possess Virginia DBE or SWaM certification.
- Business must be a small business as defined by SBA standards. Gross receipts must not exceed an annual average of $26.29 million over the firm’s previous three fiscal years.
- Business owner(s) must have a personal net worth that does not exceed $1.32 million. Owner’s equity in primary residence and ownership interest in the firm are excluded from the net worth calculation. Personal financial statement
- Business must apply / register with VDOT to participate in VSBEP.
Application / Registration
DBE registration Virginia-certified DBE firms have already met the eligibility criteria to participate in the Small Business Enterprise Program. However, firms must meet all bidding and proposal solicitation requirements and conditions.
SWaM application Virginia-certified SWaM firms must apply to the VSBEP to determine if the firm meets eligibility criteria for participation. Firms approved for the VSBEP must meet all bidding and proposal solicitation requirements and conditions.
The firms below have been approved for the VSBEP. Acceptance into the program does not supersede the qualifications or requirements of each specific solicitation.