Town of Woodstock - Route 42 (Reservoir Road) Corridor Study
Early 2018
Est Completion Date
Adam F. Campbell, PLA
Overview of Study
The Route 42 Corridor is a State Primary roadway that serves as the entrance to the Town of Woodstock from Interstate 81 and as an important regional and local commercial corridor. The roadway is characterized by closely spaced intersections, numerous commercial entrances and existing pedestrian infrastructure with significant deficiencies and gaps in the network. As a result, the corridor experiences higher than expected crashes and peak hour operational issues. The goal of the study is to identify improvements to establish Route 42 as a vibrant entrance for the Town of Woodstock with a focus on enhancing mobility and safety for all users, while improving the overall aesthetics to create a true gateway corridor.
The study is evaluating existing and future transportation conditions along the Route 42 corridor from Hisey Avenue (western town limits) to Main Street (US 11). Traffic analysis software and VDOT’s Junction Screening Tool (VJuST) is being utilized to identify improvement concepts. These concepts, along with locality and public input on the transportation needs of the roadway will assist in the development of future improvement recommendations that realize the vision of the corridor.
Study Documents
Public Input Presentation (March 2018)
Draft Final Report (January 2020)
Appendix for Draft Final Report
Benefits of Study Recommendations
• Reduction of conflicting turning movements through the evaluation of Innovative Intersections and median improvements.
• Improve corridor operations and progression through signal coordination.
• Enhance non-motorized facilities with sections of new sidewalk, shared use path, and pedestrian crossing improvements.
• Roadway aesthetics and gateway enhancements.
• Recommendations will consist of strategic short-term and long-term transportation improvement projects that can be prioritized by the town and phased over time relative to available funding.
Study Timeline
• A Public Participation Meeting to present the challenges and opportunities of the corridor and seek public comments was held on March 1, 2018 at the Woodstock Town Hall.
• Traffic data was collected and corridor operational and safety analysis was performed by VDOT.
• A Draft Technical Memo summarizing the results of the corridor analysis and proposing a corridor improvement alternative was submitted to the town in July 2018.
• With Town Council support and VDOT assistance, town staff developed and submitted two Smart Scale applications along the corridor based on the study improvement alternative. The applications were not included in the CTB FY20 Draft Funding Scenario, primarily due to the project cost limiting the competitiveness of the applications.
• VDOT submitted the draft final report and appendix to the Town in January 2020 for review. The materials will help the town evaluate potential Smart Scale applications. The final corridor study will be presented to the Town later in 2020.