City of Staunton - Greenville Avenue (Route 11) Corridor Improvement Study
Overview of Study
** Completed Study **
Route 11 (Greenville Avenue) is a state primary and principal arterial roadway that serves as the southern entrance for the City of Staunton. It connects Interstate 81 exit 220 and Route 262 (Woodrow Wilson Parkway) to Route 250 (Richmond Road) and the historic downtown district. The roadway also serves as an important local, regional and interstate services commercial corridor with the Staunton Mall, shopping centers, restaurant and retail pad sites and numerous automotive dealerships.
Greenville Avenue is generally characterized by a 5-lane, undivided typical section with a high volume of commercial entrances. As a result, the corridor experiences higher than expected crashes and afternoon peak hour operational issues. While the city portion of the corridor contains sidewalks on both sides of the road, there are numerous pedestrian deficiencies related to a lack of crossings and accessible routes.
The goal of the STARS (Strategically Targeted Affordable Roadway Solutions) study was to identify improvement recommendations to establish Greenville Avenue as a vibrant entrance for the City of Staunton with a focus on enhancing mobility and safety for all users, while improving the overall aesthetics to create a true gateway corridor.
The study evaluated existing and future transportation conditions along a 2-mile segment of Route 11, from the Route 262 interchange in Augusta County to the intersection with Commerce Road and Coalter Street in Staunton. VDOT served as the project manager for the study with Kimley Horn & Associates and T3 Design developing the study, supporting analysis, and improvement concepts. The study team was also composed of technical staff from Augusta County, BRITE Transit, the Staunton Augusta Waynesboro MPO and the City of Staunton. Final study recommendations are being considered by the city and county for advancement through state transportation funding programs.
Study Documents
Existing Conditions Assessment – April 2019
Public Meeting Corridor Recommendation Exhibits
Presentation from Public Meeting - October 2019
Media and Public Events
Public Information Meeting
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Bessie Weller Elementary School
600 Greenville Ave, Staunton, VA 24401
Meeting hosted by the Staunton Augusta Waynesboro Metropolitan Planning Organization
Public comments were received through November 8, 2019.
Benefits of Study Recommendations
- Reduction of conflicting turning movements through the evaluation of Innovative Intersections and median improvements.
- Improve corridor operations and progression through intersection improvements, access management and signal coordination.
- Enhance non-motorized facilities with sections of new sidewalk, on-street bicycle lanes and pedestrian crossing improvements.
- Roadway aesthetics and gateway enhancements.
- Recommendations will consist of strategic short-term and long-term transportation improvement projects that can be prioritized by the city and county and phased over time relative to available funding.
Study Timeline
- Study kickoff meeting was held October 2018 with supporting traffic data collected in November 2018.
- Study team meeting to discuss existing and projected future corridor conditions, including a crash analysis, was held April 2019.
- Draft corridor improvement alternatives were developed, reviewed and refined by study team during summer 2019.
- Draft corridor recommendations were presented by VDOT to the Staunton City Council and Augusta County Board of Supervisors in August 2019.
- In coordination with city, county and MPO staff, a public information meeting was held October 2019 to present the corridor recommendations and request feedback from public stakeholders, prior to finalizing the study.