City of Winchester – Route 7 (Berryville Avenue/Berryville Pike) STARS Study
Study includes portions of Route 7 (Berryville Avenue/Berryville Pike) in Winchester City and Frederick County
Overview of Study
Public Hearing Information
The Route 7 STARS study is a collaborative effort between the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), the City of Winchester, Frederick County, and the Winchester and Frederick County Metropolitan Planning Organization (WinFred MPO) to evaluate transportation needs and develop recommendations for a 2.3-mile section of Route 7 with numerous roadway segments and intersections designated as having a Potential for Safety Improvements (PSI). PSI locations are determined annually by VDOT using the previous 5 years of crash data. When the number of crashes exceeds anticipated crashes based on roadway characteristics, the location is identified as having a Potential for Safety Improvement.
The study location begins at the intersection of Route 7 (Berryville Avenue) and Pleasant Valley Road in the City of Winchester and ends at the intersection of Route 7 (Berryville Pike) and Greenwood Road (Route 656) in Frederick County. The goal of this STARS (Strategically Targeted Affordable Roadway Solutions) study is to identify improvement recommendations to enhance safety and mobility for all users of the transportation system.
It should be noted that this study did not evaluate the I-81, Exit 315 interchange location.
The study will evaluate existing and future transportation conditions along the study corridor. VDOT is serving as the project manager for the study with Michael Baker International consulting developing the study, supporting analysis, and improvement concepts. The study team is also composed of technical staff from the City of Winchester, Fredrick County and the WinFred MPO. Final study recommendations will be considered by the city and county for advancement through state transportation funding programs.
Study Documents
Crash Analysis and Growth Rate Presentation
Improvement Recommendations Presentation
Benefits of Study Recommendations
- Evaluate and improve study segment and intersection operations and safety.
- Enhance non-motorized facilities at the study locations, including pedestrian crossing improvements.
- Reduction of conflicting turning movements through the consideration of Innovative Intersections and Access Management where appropriate.
- Recommendations will consist of strategic short-term and long-term transportation improvement projects that can be prioritized by the city and county and phased over time relative to available funding.
Study Timeline
- Traffic data to support the study was collected in November 2018.
- A study team meeting to review existing operational and safety conditions and preliminary improvement alternatives was held in March 2020.
- The preliminary alternatives were advanced based on study team feedback and developed into draft improvement recommendations by the consultant. A study team meeting to review the draft recommendations was held in January 2021.
- An online survey was conducted in May 2021 to present the identified study needs and develop recommendations for public review and feedback. A summary of the online survey results is included in the final study report.
- The final study report was completed and delivered to members of the study team in September 2021.