Valley to Valley Trail Study
March 2020
Shane Sawyer
Michael Gray
(540) 494-8288
About the Study
The purpose of the study is to perform analysis combined with consensus building to result in a recommended alignment that will connect the Roanoke River Greenway to the New River Trail while connecting to other recreational facilities in the region such as the Huckleberry Trail in Christiansburg. The recommended alignment will include segments of independent utility that can be implemented in the near term and will ultimately serve as part of the greater route.
Valley to Valley Trail Study Presentation
Alignment alternatives by segment:
Pulaski to Radford
Radford to Christiansburg/Blacksburg
Christiansburg/Blacksburg to Roanoke
To view a presentation about the study, click on the link below:
Valley to Valley Trail Study Presentation
The study tasks completed to date:
- Coordination with stakeholders through stakeholder meetings, conference calls, and emails;
- Data collection, review of prior plans and studies, and assessment of existing conditions;
- Development of evaluation criteria for high‐level review;
- Analysis of on‐road and off‐road alignment opportunities using data pertaining to roadway/traffic,right‐of‐way, easements, activity centers, and existing/proposed active transportation facilities;
Next Steps:
- Provide a virtual update to the public and gather public input through interactive survey;
- A recommended alignment based on the evaluation of the data using the criteria developed;
- Development of near‐term improvements and a preferred alignment for the corridor; and
- A final report, which will document the opportunities and constraints for various segments along the recommended alignment.
The final report will include:
- A purpose and need statement;
- A recommended alignment that has the consensus of the localities along the route;
- Maps sheets and an appendix that shows the trail segments and estimated cost, land ownership, and whether the segment is identified in an existing plan; and
- Online project website map (ArcGIS Story Map) highlighting project process and final recommended alignment
Project Stakeholders and Partners
This study is being completed in collaboration local and regional partners with the following entities fulfilling specific roles and responsibilities as outlined in the project framework document.
- New River Valley Regional Commission
- New River Valley Metropolitan Planning Commission
- Roanoke Valley‐Alleghany Regional Commission
- Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission
Additional stakeholders include:
- Federal Highway Administration
- Montgomery County
- Pulaski County
- Roanoke County
- City of Radford
- Town of Blacksburg
- Town of Christiansburg
- Town of Dublin
- Town of Pulaski