Martinsville Southern Connector Study
February 2018
Est Completion Date
Early 2021
Preliminary Engineering (NEPA)
Angel Aymond
Media: Shannon Marshall
The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) initiated the Martinsville Southern Connector Study/Route 220 Environmental Impact Statement in February 2018 to evaluate potential alternatives for improving U.S. Route 220 from the North Carolina state line to William F. Stone Highway (U.S. Route 58/U.S. Route 220 Bypass).
The Martinsville Southern Connector Study analyzes the possible social, economic, and environmental impacts that could result from the potential alternatives in an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), a document that is required as part of the National Environmental Policy Act.
This is a separate study from the EIS that was prepared for the Interstate 73 (I-73) corridor which included portions of Henry County. The two studies have different termini and distinct Purpose and Need statements that identify different issues to be addressed. Should any future transportation improvements from the Martinsville Southern Connector Study be implemented, they could be considered for incorporation into I-73.This would require a separate evaluation and analysis of I-73.
Final Environmental Impact Statement - Published October 1, 2021
Click here to review the Final Environmental Impact Statement
On October 1, 2021, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) signed and approved for public availability in the Federal Register the Martinsville Southern Connector Study Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
Final EIS Appendices
Appendix A: Coordination Plan
Appendix B: Agency Correspondence
Appendix C: List of Technical Reports
Appendix D: Joint Permit Application
Appendix E: Summary of Comments and Responses
Appendix F: Section 106 Programmatic Agreement
Technical Reports
- Alternatives Analysis
- Indirect and Cumulative Effects
- Hazardous Materials
- Noise
- Socioeconomic and Land Use
- Traffic and Transportation
- Archaeological Assessment
- Architectural Survey
- Air Quality
- Natural Resources
Draft Environmental Impact Statement - Published March 6, 2020
Click here to review the Draft Environmental Impact Statement
On March 6, 2020, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) signed and approved for public availability in the Federal Register the Martinsville Southern Connector Study Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The Public Hearing on the Draft EIS, originally scheduled for March 26, 2020, was rescheduled and held on Tuesday, September 1, 2020. The public comment period on the Draft EIS was open through September 11, 2020.
Technical Reports
- Alternatives Analysis
- Indirect and Cumulative Effects
- Hazardous Materials
- Noise
- Socioeconomic and Land Use
- Traffic and Transportation
- Archaeological Assessment
- Architectural Survey
- Air Quality
- Natural Resources
Study Updates and Newsletters
2020 (Please note newsletters transitioned from monthly to bi-monthly beginning March 2020)
November | September | July | May | March | February | January
March 2020
Draft EIS Available
Public Hearing on the Draft EIS Postponed
Comment Period on the Draft EIS Extended
July 2020 - Public Hearing on the Draft EIS Scheduled
August | July | June | May | April | March | February | January
See previous newsletters here.
Previous Public Meetings
Click here to view materials from previous public meetings.