In Design: Richmond/Lynchburg - Design-Build Bridge Contract: Multiple Structures
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Four bridge replacements and one bridge deck replacement are being bundled to be advertised as a single design-build project within the Virginia Department of Transportation's (VDOT) Richmond District. The five bridges are:
- UPC 118301: Route 58 eastbound lane over Big Buffalo Creek, Mecklenburg County (bridge replacement) - Google Maps
- UPC 122818: Route 40 over Pigg River, Pittsylvania County (bridge replacement) - Google Maps
- UPC 122857: Route 58 Business over Coleman's Creek, Mecklenburg County (bridge replacement) - Google Maps
- UPC 122858: I-85 southbound lane over Roanoke River, Mecklenburg County (bridge deck replacement) - Google Maps
- UPC 123043: US Route 1 northbound lane over Shining Creek, Brunswick County - Google Maps
Project Summaries:
- Route 58 eastbound lane over Big Buffalo
- VDOT is replacing the existing bridge to improve the condition of the bridge. During construction, Route 58 eastbound lane will be temporarily diverted to the westbound lane.
- Route 40 over Pigg River
- VDOT is replacing the existing bridge to improve the condition of the bridge. Currently, traffic is diverted to a temporary bridge.
- Route 58 Business over Colemen's Creek
- VDOT is replacing the existing bridge to improve the condition of the bridge. During construction, traffic will be detoured to Route 58.
- I-85 southbound lane over Roanoke River
- VDOT is replacing the existing bridge deck to improve the condition of the bridge. During construction, I-85 Southbound lane will be temporarily diverted to the northbound lane.
- US1 northbound lane over Shining Creek
- VDOT is replacing the existing bridge to improve the condition of the bridge. During construction, US 1 northbound lane will be temporarily diverted to the southbound lane.
Improves the condition of several bridges through Virginia's State of Good Repair program.
Major Milestones
- Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Anticipated: Summer 2024
- Request for Proposals (RFP) Anticipated: Fall 2024
William Wheeler, PE, PMP, LEED AP
Lat/Long: 36.6403253,-78.6485891