Coming Soon
Fall Line Trail |
Coming Soon
$266.5 million
Lengths and Limits
Approximately 43.6 miles between Ashland and Petersburg
Ashland, Chesterfield, Colonial Heights, Hanover, Henrico, Petersburg, and Richmond
Fall Line Trail Team
Richmond District Communications
The Ashland to Petersburg Trail Study was a collaborative effort among VDOT, government agencies, and special interest groups, with input from the general public to identify a preferred corridor for a multi-use trail facility that would enhance the active transportation network in the Richmond region, which includes the counties of Chesterfield, Hanover, and Henrico; the cities of Colonial Heights, Petersburg, and Richmond; and the Town of Ashland. The study was prepared to inform the development of future active transportation projects.
Since the completion of the study and the identification of the preferred corridor, a number of alignment refinements have been incorporated into the corridor to be consistent with current local and regional priorities for active transportation, recreation, and economic development.
Additionally, a variety of funding opportunities have been identified for the implementation of a number of segments along the 43-mile alignment. Segments of the Fall Line Trail that will follow VDOT maintained roadways or on new location will require the adoption of a location decision from VDOT’s governing Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB). The adoption of a location decision to accept the Fall Line Trail into the state transportation system is consistent with the Code of Virginia (§33.2-208) and the Virginia Administrative Code (24 VAC 30-380-10). The CTB adoption of the location decision will take into consideration any public input received and will be specific to portions of the trail under VDOT ownership or maintenance.
As funding is allocated to various segments of the Fall Line Trail, additional design and detailed engineering evaluations of each segment will be conducted prior to project construction.
Project Information
Cost: $266.5 million (2023 Construction Year)
Purpose: To connect people and places within the counties of
Chesterfield, Hanover, and Henrico, cities of Colonial Heights, Petersburg, and Richmond, and the Town of Ashland
From: Patton Park (Petersburg)
To: Trolley Line Trail (Ashland)
Length: 43.6 miles
Improvements: Multi-use trail facility along existing roadways, paths/trails, abandoned railways, utility transmission corridors andnew locations
Destinations of Interest (within 0.5 mi): Carter Park; Bryan Park; James River; Appomattox River Trail; Old Town Petersburg; VSU; VUU; Virginia Capitol; VCU Medical Center; Main Street Station; 9th Street; Brookland Parkway; Boulevard Bridge
Locality Breakdown
Information on specific localities can be found at:
Richmond - https://rva.gov/public-works/fall-line-trail
Henrico - https://henrico.us/projects/fall-line-trail/
Chesterfield - https://www.chesterfield.gov/5401/Fall-Line-Trail
Ashland/Hanover - https://www.hanovercounty.gov/1201/Fall-Line-Trail
Alignment Refinements
Alignment refinements have been made since the Ashland to Petersburg Trail study was completed in February 2020.
Northern Section Design Public Hearing Information & Materials
A design public hearing was held:
Tuesday, November 15, 2022, 5 - 7 p.m.
Elmont Elementary School Gymnasium
12007 Cedar Lane, Ashland, Virginia 23005
Inclement weather dates: Thursday, November 17, 2022, 5-7 p.m. VDOT Richmond District Office, 2430 Pine Forest Drive, South Chesterfield, Virginia 23834.
Citizens may view the proposed plans for the northernmost section of the trail that will connect the Longdale section in Henrico County just south of the Chickahominy River, to the existing Trolley Line Trail in the Town of Ashland, following along the historic Richmond-Ashland trolley line corridor.
This section of the trail will be a 4.8 mile, ten-foot wide shared-use path. The proposed plans were developed after two Location Public Hearings were held by VDOT in May 2022.
Comments about the project can be submitted at the hearing, or submitted no later than November 30, 2022, to Mr. Roy Soto, P.E., P.M.P., Virginia Department of Transportation c/o Fall Line Trail, 2430 Pine Forest Drive, Colonial Heights, VA 23834. Comments can also be emailed to FallLine@VDOT.Virginia.gov. Please reference “Fall Line Trail – Northern Section Design Public Hearing” in the subject line.
Design Public Hearing News Release
Design Public Hearing Brochure
Design Public Hearing Plan Sheets
Design Public Hearing Displays
Location Public Hearings Information & Materials
Two identical location public hearings were held:
Tuesday, May 3, 2022, 5 – 7 p.m.
Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden
Kelly Education Center, Massey Conference Center Auditorium
1800 Lakeside Avenue
Richmond, Virginia 23228
Thursday, May 5, 2022, 5 – 7 p.m.
Hilton Garden Inn Richmond South/Southpark
Capital Ballroom
800 Southpark Boulevard
Colonial Heights, VA 23834
Summary of Public Hearing Comments and Responses
A summary of common comments received during public input, and VDOT's responses.
Location Public Hearing Brochure
Location Public Hearing News Release
Location Public Hearing Displays
Fall Line Trail Mapping Sheets
Fall Line Trail Typical Sections