Route 50 STARS Safety and Operational Improvements Study - Chantilly
Phase 1 - Route 28 to Stringfellow Road; Phase 2 - Chantilly Plaza to Plaza Lane in Fairfax CountyArea Maps
Phase 1: September 2017
Phase 2: February 2021
Est Completion Date
Phase 1: March 2021
Phase 2: November 2023
Lengths and Limits
Phase 1: Rt 28 to Stringfellow Rd (2 mi)
Phase 2: Chantilly Plz to Plaza Ln (1 mi)
Northern Virginia
Regina Moore, AICP
Please note: The Phase 2 final report is now available. The report's appendices are available by request.
About the Study
This STARS (Strategically Targeted Affordable Roadway Solutions) study assessed potential safety and operational improvements for nearly two miles of Route 50 (Lee Jackson Memorial Highway) between Route 28 (Sully Road) and Stringfellow Road (Route 645), and further assessed potential improvements within the one-mile segment between Chantilly Plaza and Plaza Lane, including the Lees Corner Road and Stringfellow Road intersections.
There are significant backups and congestion during morning and evening peak periods. Route 50 averages 60,000 vehicles a day within the study limits.
Potential Corridorwide Improvements Assessed
Phase 1
The first phase of the study assessed potential safety and operational improvements for the nearly two-mile segment of Route 50. The final report was issued in March 2021.
Short-term improvement options recommended in the first phase include:
- Adding reflective traffic signal backplates
- Upgrading pedestrian ramps to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards
- Replacing and adding pavement and crosswalk markings
- Providing additional signage
- Continuing the traffic signal timing optimization program
- Adding pedestrian signals in the median (two-stage crossing)
- Converting bus stops to bus shelters
- Adding a Galesbury Lane and Lees Corner Road sidewalk connection
Mid-term improvement options recommended in the first phase include:
- Reconfiguring and modifying intersections
- Access management strategies for properties along the corridor
Assessing Potential Improvements between Chantilly Plaza and Plaza Lane
Phase 2
Based on public feedback from the first phase, the second phase further assessed potential improvements along the one-mile segment of Route 50 between Chantilly Plaza and Plaza Lane including at Lees Corner Road, Stringfellow Road and side street intersections along the Route 50 service road. The final report was issued in November 2023.
The final report recommendations include:
- Closing westbound access to the Route 50 service road from Lees Corner Road
- Adding a second westbound Route 50 left-turn lane to Lees Corner Road
- Extending the westbound Route 50 left-turn lane to Stringfellow Road
The first Phase 2 virtual public information meeting was held in September 2021 and a second virtual public information meeting in March 2022., watch the second meeting video or view the presentation in Korean or Spanish.
This study does not set construction dates for any improvements, but develops proposed improvements that localities can pursue for funding.
Phase 1
Begin - September 2017
Public Information Meeting - January 2020
Final Report - March 2021
Phase 2
Begin - February 2021
First Virtual Public Information Meeting - September 2021
Second Virtual Public Information Meeting - March 2022
Final Report - November 2023
Phase 2 Final Report - November 2023
Phase 2 Second Virtual Public Information Meeting Video, English Presentation, Korean Presentation, Spanish Presentation, News Release, Ad and Meeting Details - March 2022
Phase 2 First Virtual Public Information Meeting Video, English Presentation, Korean Presentation, Spanish Presentation, Comment Sheet, News Release, Ad and Meeting Details - September 2021
Phase 1 Final Report - March 2021
Phase 1 Public Information Meeting Materials, Displays and Ad - January 2020