In Design: Elden Street Widening and Underground Utilities Duct Bank in the Town of Herndon
Cost and schedule ►
Public outreach ►

Underground Utilities Duct Bank
This project will construct an underground utilities duct bank to replace the existing overhead utilities along about a mile of Elden Street between Monroe Street and Fairfax County Parkway. Construction on the duct bank is scheduled to begin in late 2024.
Elden Street Widening
This project will widen about a third of a mile of Elden Street from four lanes to six between Herndon Parkway and Fairfax County Parkway.
Other improvements along Elden Street include:
- Adding bike lanes from Monroe Street to Herndon Parkway
- Adding cycle tracks from Herndon Parkway to Fairfax County Parkway that combine the user experience of a separated path with the on-street infrastructure of a conventional bike lane
- Replacing the box culvert over Sugarland Run with a new bridge to provide better stream flow and reduce potential flooding
- Pedestrian enhancements
- Landscaping and planted medians where feasible
Construction on the Elden Street Widening improvements is scheduled to begin in mid-2027.
Elden Street averages about 25,000 vehicles a day within the project limits.
Estimated Costs
Preliminary Engineering: $6.9 million
Right of Way Acquisition and Utility Relocation: $13.3 million
Underground Utilities Duct Bank Construction: $12.7 million
Elden Street Widening Construction: $24.4 million
Total: $57.3 million
The projects combined are financed with federal, state, regional and local funding, including Smart Scale, Revenue Sharing and Northern Virginia Transportation Authority funding.
This project aims to reduce congestion, improve safety and enhance access to and from Fairfax County Parkway for drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians.
Major Milestones
Design Public Hearing - October 2016
Design Approval - October 2017
Begin Right of Way Acquisition - May 2019
Advertise Underground Utilities Duct Bank for Construction - June 2022
Re-Advertise Underground Utilities Duct Bank for Construction - Early 2024
Begin Underground Utilities Duct Bank Construction - Late 2024
Advertise Elden Street Widening for Construction - Early 2027
Begin Elden Street Widening Construction - Late 2027
Hamid Misaghian, P.E.
Location & Design
Minwoo Ha, P.E.
Preliminary Engineering
Other relevant links:
Design Public Hearing - Oct. 2016 (Ad)
- Brochure
- Typical Section Displays: Four-Lane | Six-Lane
- Aerial Displays: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
- Color Map Displays: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
- Detour Option Displays: 1 | 2
- Right of Way Guide for Property Owners & Tenants
Typical Section Sheets - August 2016
Categorical Exclusion - February 2015
Phase: Underground Utilities Duct Bank: Coming Soon
Elden Street Widening: In Design
UPC: 50100, 120508
State ID: U000-235-110, B606, C501, P101, R201
Lat/Long: 38.967631, -77.374576