In Design: Vienna Metro Station Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements in Fairfax County
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This project will construct bicycle and pedestrian improvements in the area of the Vienna Metro station along Country Creek Road/Virginia Center Boulevard between Sutton Road and the ramp to westbound I-66, and along Sutton Road between Blake Lane and Country Creek Road.
VDOT and Fairfax County plan to make the following interim improvements:
- Creating a separated two-way cycle track on eastbound Country Creek Road/Virginia Center Boulevard between Sutton Road and the Metro North Parking Lot entrance by restriping and installing posts or barriers for separation
- Adding a buffered bike lane on Sutton Road between Sutton Green Court and Country Creek Road
- Upgrading pedestrian signals
- Installing related signs and pavement markings
Construction for the interim improvements is expected to begin in mid 2022.
Proposed final improvements include:
- Constructing shared-use paths along Blake Lane and Sutton Road from the I-66 bridge to Country Creek Road
- Adding a separated two-way cycle track with adjacent sidewalk along Country Creek Road/Virginia Center Boulevard
- Implementing a road diet along Country Creek Road/Virginia Center Boulevard from Sutton Road to the Metro North Parking Lot entrance
- Consolidating and relocating bus stops for improved transit access
- Realigning the I-66 westbound ramp to Country Creek Road
- Modifying the traffic signals at the intersections of Sutton Road and Blake Lane, Country Creek Road and the ramp from westbound I-66, and Country Creek Road and Vaden Drive.
- Installing new pavement markings and signs
Construction for the final improvements is expected to begin in late 2024.
Estimated Costs
Preliminary Engineering - $1.3 million
Right of Way Acquisition and Utility Relocation - $1.9 million
Construction - $7.3 million
Total - $10.5 million
These costs are subject to change as the project is further developed. The project is financed with federal, state and Fairfax County funding.
The project aims to improve bicyclist and pedestrian safety, accessibility and connectivity to the Vienna Metro station.
Major Milestones
Virtual Public Information Meeting - March 2021
Virtual Design Public Hearing - November 2021
Begin Right of Way Acquisition - Mid 2022
Begin Interim Improvements Construction - Mid 2022
Begin Final Improvements Construction - Late 2024
Zamir Mirza
Location & Design
Other relevant links:
Virtual Design Public Hearing Video,
Presentation, Comment Sheet,
News Release, Ad and Meeting Details -
November 2021
Programmatic Categorical Exclusion - Jan. 2021
Right of Way and Utilities Webpage
Major funding source: Federal
Phase: In Design
UPC: 113611
State ID: EN18-029-423, P101, R201, C501
Lat/Long: 38.877698, -77.271813