In Design: Route 28 Innovative Intersections in Prince William County and the City of Manassas Park
Cost and schedule ►
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This project will implement innovative intersection improvements along Route 28 (Centreville Road) between Manassas Drive (Route 213) and Spruce Street. The Route 28 intersections at Maplewood Drive and Browns Lane will be converted to restricted crossing u-turns and a median u-turn will be constructed between Birch Street and Spruce Street.
Other project improvements include:
- Extending the southbound Route 28 left-turn/u-turn lane at Blooms Quarry Lane
- Installing concrete medians between Spruce Street and Browns Lane, and reconstructing medians between Browns Lane and Manassas Drive
- Adding and reconstructing sidewalks with grass buffers along southbound Route 28 between Spruce Street and Old Centreville Road, and along northbound Route 28 between Blooms Quarry Lane and Browns Lane
- Constructing and upgrading curb ramps
- Striping new crosswalks
- Enhancing drainage and stormwater management
Route 28 averages 41,000 vehicles a day within the project limits.
Estimated Costs
Preliminary Engineering - $1.3 million
Right of Way Acquisition and Utility Relocation - $16 million
Construction - $7.2 million
Total - $24.5 million
This project is financed with federal funding.
This project will improve safety, operations and pedestrian accessibility and mobility.
Major Milestones
Public Information Meeting - Late 2023
Design Public Hearing - Early 2025
Award Design-Build Contract - Early 2026
Begin Construction - Late 2027
Hong "Jenny" Ha, P.E.
Location & Design
Angel Tao, P.E.
Preliminary Engineering
Major funding source: Federal
Phase: In Design
UPC: 122773
State ID: 0028-152-292, P101, R201, C501
Federal ID: HSIP-5B01 (506)
Lat/Long: 38.776959, -77.451326
Manassas Park
Prince William