In Design: Route 29 Southbound Shared-Use Paths in Fairfax County
Cost and schedule ►

This project will construct a 10-foot-wide shared-use path along southbound Route 29 between O'Day Drive and Stone Road, and upgrade the existing sidewalk along southbound Route 29 to a 10-foot-wide shared-use path between the Newgate Shopping Center and Trinity Parkway/Machen Road.
Estimated Costs
Preliminary Engineering - $1.1 million
Right of Way Acquisition and Utility Relocation - $2 million
Construction - $3.8 million
Total - $6.9 million
This project will improve bicyclist and pedestrian safety, mobility and accessibility.
Major Milestones
Begin Right of Way Acquisition - Early 2026
Begin Utility Relocation - Late 2026
Begin Construction - Early 2028
Hamid Misaghian, P.E.
Location & Design
Minwoo Ha, P.E.
Preliminary Engineering
Phase: In Design
UPC: 121884
State ID: 0029-029-458, P101
Federal ID: STP-5B01 (336)
Lat/Long: 38.835567, -77.454680