Recently Completed: I-95 Southbound Auxiliary Lane in Prince William County
Cost and schedule ►
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Please note: This project was completed in July 2023.
Psst, the 95SB Aux Lane (between Route 123 and PW Pkwy) is open!
— VDOT Northern VA (@VaDOTNOVA) May 15, 2023
P.S. Happy Monday!
This project created an auxiliary lane on southbound Interstate 95 from Route 123 (Gordon Boulevard) to Prince William Parkway (Route 294).
The project converted about a mile and a half of the existing shoulder to a travel lane between the ramp from southbound Route 123 and the ramp to westbound Prince William Parkway. The project also provided a new paved shoulder, relocated noise walls as needed, replaced impacted roadway lighting, installed or upgraded guardrails and built new retaining walls.
Southbound I-95 averages about 80,000 vehicles a day in this area.
Estimated Costs
Preliminary Engineering: $3.5 million
Construction: $20.2 million
Total: $23.7 million
The project was completed as part of the I-95 Corridor Improvement Plan, and is financed with a portion of the concession fee provided under the 95 Express Lanes Project Comprehensive Agreement.
The auxiliary lane aims to make it easier for drivers to merge into and out of traffic between the ramps.
Major Milestones
Public Information Meeting (Interstate 95 Corridor Improvement Plan) - October 2019
Design Public Hearing - December 2019
Categorical Exclusion Available - June 2020
Advertise for Construction - December 2020
Award Construction Contract - March 2021
Begin Construction - June 2021
Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony - April 2023
Auxiliary Lane Open to Traffic - May 2023
Final Completion - July 2023
Other relevant links:
Auxiliary Lane Opening News Release - May 2023
Construction Start News Release -
June 2021
Categorical Exclusion Document and
Ad - June 2020
Design Public Hearing - Dec. 2019 (Ad)
Meeting Materials and Displays
I-95 Corridor Improvement Plan
Major funding source: 95 Express Lanes Concession Fee
Phase: Recently Completed
UPC: 115999
State ID: 0095-076-276, C501, P101
Federal ID: RSTP-0952 (542), STP-0952 (547)
Lat/Long: 38.667756, -77.269957
Prince William