Under Construction: Route 602 (Cemetery Road/Lee Street) Improvements
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The Northampton County portion of the project extends approximately 1.2 miles on Route 602 (Cemetery Road), from the intersection with Route 183 (Occohannock Neck Road) to the Accomack County line. Improvements planned in this section of Route 602 include the rehabilitation of the existing pavement and flattening the cross slope.
The Accomack County portion of the project extends approximately 0.55 miles on Route 602 (Lee Street), from the Northampton County line to east of the intersection with Route 178 (Belle Haven Road). Improvements planned for this section of Route 602 include the rehabilitation of the existing payment, while addressing existing width, curvature and drainage deficiencies, as well as adding paved 4-foot-wide shoulders to accommodate bicycle riders.
Route 602 is classified as a Rural Major Collector with an average daily traffic (ADT) count of 625 vehicles, as of 2022. The ADT is projected to be 700 vehicles per day in 2034.
During early construction activities, the contractor plans to maintain one-lane of traffic under flagger control. As early as January 2024, signed detours will be in place, as needed, during phases of major construction requiring a full closure of the roadway.
To rehabilitate the existing roadway, a full depth reclamation (FDR) approach will be utilized, which consists of recycling the existing pavement onsite into the new pavement foundation. This in-place pavement recycling method has been proven to provide a durable pavement structure, while also resulting in significant time and cost-savings through the reuse of existing resources on-site and reducing the need to purchase and transport new material to the site and dispose of the old.
Access to all private property and the two cemeteries on Route 602 will be maintained at all times.
Construction is estimated to be complete as early as spring 2025. All work is weather- and schedule-dependent; therefore, this schedule is subject to change.
The purpose of improving Route 602 is to extend the life of the road and improve driving conditions.
Major Milestones
- Acquiring the necessary right of way and utility easements was completed April 2021.
- Relocation of utilities prior to construction was completed in April 2022.
- The $5.5 million construction contract was awarded to Branscome, Inc. in October 2023.
- Construction began in November 2023.
Hampton Roads Communications
Phase: Under Construction
Lat/Long: 37.551091, -75.821604