Under Construction: Laskin Road Bridge Replacement & Widening Project

The Laskin Road Bridge Replacement & Widening Project will encompass roadway improvements along the heavily traveled Hilltop business corridor of Virginia Beach, starting at Republic Road, through the First Colonial Road intersection, and ending with the bridge replacement just west of Red Robin Road.
The primary purpose of this project is to improve capacity and enhance safety through the widening and improvements of Laskin Road and First Colonial Road, as well as replacing the bridge over Linkhorn Bay.
The completion date has been extended from its original date due to various field conditions that were unknown during the time of initial scheduling. The project is now estimated to be completed in spring 2024.
Roadway Improvements
This project includes construction of an 8-lane divided highway on Laskin Road (two 12-foot through lanes and one 14-foot wide outside lane to accommodate bikes in each direction and a continuous right turn lane in each direction) with a 5-foot sidewalk on the south side, a 10-foot sidewalk on the north side.
This phase also includes full improvements to the Laskin Road/First Colonial Road intersection, as well as construction of a 6-lane divided highway on First Colonial Road from Laurel Lane to I-264.
Bridge Replacement
This project will also replace the existing bridge on Laskin Road (Route 58) located one mile east of First Colonial Road. The bridge crosses Linkhorn Bay in the Hilltop area. The current bridge was built in 1938, was later widened in 1956 and is in overall fair condition. The new bridge will be widened to five travel lanes, with a sidewalk on each side. The bridge will be built to accommodate future expansion to six lanes.
The primary purpose of this project is to improve capacity and enhance safety through the widening and improvements of Laskin Road and First Colonial Road, as well as replacing the bridge over Linkhorn Bay in the city of Virginia Beach.
Major Milestones
The project was advertised for construction in January 2019, and the $83.2 million contract was awarded to Allan Myers, Inc. Construction began in September 2019.
Hampton Roads Public Affairs
Laskin Road Project Update January 2020
Laskin Road November 2019 Update
Traffic impacts and other alerts can be found on the "Traffic Alerts" section of this page.
Spring 2022 Subscribers' Update
Spring 2021 Subscribers' Update
March 2020 Subscribers' Update
January 2020 Subscribers' Update
UPC: 12546 & 111711
Lat/Long: 36.850869, -76.022205
Virginia Beach