I-264 Corridor Study
Virginia BeachCompleted 2016
Virginia Beach
Hampton Roads
Hampton Roads Communications
About the Study
VDOT conducted a corridor evaluation study (similar to past major investment studies) that included collection of existing traffic data, current and future operations analysis, access management, and identification of current interstate deficiencies, to evaluate the need for additional interchanges and upgrades in the future.
View the Final Report
Chapter 2: Mainline Freeway Analysis
Chapter 3: Military Highway Interchange
Chapter 4: I-64/I-264 Interchange
Chapter 5: Newtown Road Interchange
Chapter 6: Witchduck Road Interchange
Chapter 7: Independence Boulevard Interchange
Chapter 8: Rosemont Road Interchange
Chapter 9: Lynnhaven Parkway Interchange
Chapter 10: Laskin Road Interchange
Chapter 11: First Colonial Road Interchange
Chapter 12: Birdneck Road Interchange
Chapter 13: I-264 & Parks Avenue
Chapter 14: Findings and Conclusions
Appendix A - Existing Conditions Geometry
Appendix B - Flood Zones:
Appendix D - Forecast Model Methodology and Balancing
Appendix E - Graphical Volume Figures - No Build
Appendix F - Graphical Volume Figures - Build
Appendix G - CORSIM Graphical Outputs
Appendix I - Detailed Cost Estimates
Appendix J - Traffic Counts:
- Project Counts:
- 1-Independence NB to I-264 EB
- 2-I-264 WB to Independence NB
- CSML01-I64, south of 264 HOV Lanes_EB
- CSML01-I64, south of 264 HOV Lanes_WB
- CSML05-S Newtown Rd_SB Inside
- CSML05-S Newtown Rd_SB Outside
- CSML06-S Newtown Rd_NB Inside
- CSML06-S Newtown Rd_NB Outside
- CSML07-N Newtown Rd. SB_Inside
- CSML07-N Newtown Rd. SB_Outside
- CSML08-N Newtown Rd NB_Inside
- CSML08-N Newtown Rd NB_Outside
- CSML09-Greenwich Rd, east of Business Park_EB
- CSML09-Greenwich Rd, east of Business Park_WB
- CSML10-S Witchduck_SB Inside
- CSML10-S Witchduck_SB Outside
- CSML11-S Witchduck NB_Inside
- CSML11-S Witchduck NB_Outside
- CSML12-N Witchduck_SB Inside
- CSML12-N Witchduck_SB Outside
- CSML13-N Witchduck_NB Inside
- CSML13-N Witchduck_NB Outside
- R01-I64 EB to I264 EB
- R1-I264 EB CD to N Military Hwy SB
- R02-I264 WB to I-64 EB
- R2-N Military Hwy SB to I-264 EB CD
- R03-I64 EB to I264 EB
- R3-I264 EB CD to N Military Hwy NB
- R04-I264 EB to I64 WB
- R4-N Military Hwy NB to I264 EB CD
- R05-I64 WB to I264 EB
- R5-I264 WB CD to N Military Hwy NB
- R06-I-64 HOV EB-WB to-from I-264 HOV_EB
- R06-I-64 HOV EB-WB to-from I-264 HOV_WB
- R6-N Military Hwy to I264 WB CD
- R07-I264 EB ML to I-64 WB ML
- R7-I264 WB CD to N Military Hwy SB
- R08-I264 WB to I64 WB_Inside
- R08-I264 WB to I64 WB_Outside
- R8-N Military Hwy SB to I264 WB CD
- R09-I64 WB to I-264 WB
- R10-I264 EB CD to I64 EB
- R10-SB Newtown Rd to I-264 WB
- R11-SB Newtown Rd to I-264 EB
- R12-I264 EB to Newtown Rd SB
- R13-SB Witchduck to I264 EB
- R14-I264 EB to NB Witchduck
- R15-I264 WB to Witchduck
- R16-I264 EB to NB Newtown Rd
- R17-NB Newtown Rd to I264 WB
- R18-I264 WB ML to I64 EB
- R18-I264 WB to I64 EB Ramp
- R23-I264 EB CD to Newtown NB
- R28-S Witchduck NB-SB to I264 WB
- R29_I264 EB to Independence SB-Alicia_OUT
- R29-I264 EB to Independence SB-Alicia_IN
- R30-S Independence SB to I264 EB
- R31-I264 EB to S Independence NB
- R32-S Independence Blvd NB to I-264 WB
- R33-I264 SB to S Independence SB
- R34-S Independence to I264 WB
- R35-S Rosemont SB to I264 EB
- R36-S Rosemont NB to I264 EB
- R37-S Rosemont SB to I264 WB
- R38-S Rosemont NB to I264 WB
- R39-I264 EB to Laskin_Virginia Beach EB
- R40-Laskin_Virginia Beach WB to I264 WB
- R41-I264 EB to First Colonial NB
- R42-First Colonial NB-SB to I264 WB
- R43-N Birdneck NB to I264 WB
- R44-N Birdneck SB to I264 WB
- V1-I264 EB, btw Laskin and First Colonial
- V2-I264 WB, btw Laskin and First Colonial
- VML01-I264 W of 64, Mainline EB
- VML02-I264 W of 64, CD Road EB
- VML03-I264 W of 64, Mainline WB
- VML04-I264 W of 64, CD Road WB
- VML05-I264 E of 64, CD Road EB
- VML06-I264 E of 64, Mainline EB
- VML07-I264 E of 64, Mainline WB
- VML08-I264 E of 64, CD Road WB
- VML09-I64 S of 264, WB
- VML10-I64 S of 264, EB
- VML11-I64 N of 264, WB
- VML12-I64 N of 264, EB
- VML16-I264 E of Newtown, WB Mainline
- VML17-I264 E of Newtown, WB to Newtown
- VML18-I264 E of Newtown, EB
- VML19-I264 E of Witchduck Rd, EB
- VML20-I264 E of Witchduck Rd, WB
- VR01-I64 EB to I264 W
- Turning Movement Counts:
- T1-Newtown Rd and I-264 EB_Greenwich Rd
- T2-Newtown Rd and Stoney Point_I-264 WB
- T3-Newtown Rd and Center Dr_I-64_I-264
- T4-S Witchduck and Greenwich_Grayson
- T5-Witchduck and I-264 WB Off
- T6-S Witchduck and Mac St
- T7-S Witchduck and I-264 WB On_Southern Blvd
- T8-S Witchduck and Cleveland
- T9-Independence Blvd and Baxter_South
- T10-S Independence and Euclid_Bonney
- T11-S Rosemont and I-264 EB Ramp
- T12-S Rosemont and I-264 WB Ramp_Bonney Rd
- T13-S Rosemont and Virginia Beach Blvd
- T14-S Rosemont and Sentara Dr_Chester St
- T15-First Colonial Rd and I-264 EB Ramps
- T16-First Colonial and Wisconsin_I-264 EB On
- T17-First Colonial and I-264 WB Ramps
- T18-N Birdneck and I-264 EB Off_Pavillion Dr
- T19-Birdneck and Americus Ave_19th St
- T20-Parks Ave and I-264 EB_21st St
- T21-Parks Ave and I-264 WB_22nd St
Appendix N - Traffic Count Locations: