Under Construction: Oyster Point Ramp Access Improvements
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This project is located in the City of Newport News and it will widen I-64 eastbound on-ramps at J. Clyde Morris Boulevard (Route 17) and Oyster Point Road (Route 171) from single lane ramps to two lane ramps adding capacity. Each of the ramps will be widened to two lanes at the entry points and merged to a single lane before entering freeway.
During construction, motorists can anticipate some travel lane shifts within each ramp to accommodate expansion work along the shoulders. Each on-ramp is expected to remain open to traffic until final paving operations near the conclusion of the project. No right-of-way acquisitions are anticipated and there is a potential for minor utility relocations within the existing right-of-way.
This project will:
- Widen the entrance ramp vehicular capacity to I-64 east for on-ramps located at J. Clyde Morris Boulevard and Oyster Point Road.
- Add safety enhancements on on-ramps
The design of this project is in compliance with the Stormwater Management Act, stormwater regulations and the annual stormwater management standards and specifications approved by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation. The construction of this project will conform to the nationwide best management practices, VDOT specifications and special provisions, and the Virginia Department of Soil and Water conservation regulations.
Major Milestones
Construction contract awarded to Basic Construction Company, LLC on Nov. 28, 2022.
Construction begins Jan. 10, 2023. Read full news release here.
Hampton Roads Communications
Phase: Under Construction
UPC: 113259
State ID: 0017-121-R19,P101, R201, C501
Lat/Long: 37.085711, -76.458795
Newport News