Proposed: I-64 OpportUNITY Connector Federal Grant
Cost and schedule ►

Update: New Funding Commitments
Watch: Community and Business Leaders Share Their Thoughts on the Importance of the I-64 Corridor
Along I-64 between Richmond and Hampton Roads lies the last 29-miles of four lane divided interstate between these two regions. This segment of 29-miles stretches from Bottoms Bridge, just east of Interstate 295 in Greater Richmond, to the Lightfoot exit in the Williamsburg area.
The Virginia Department of Transportation is seeking federal grant funding through the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Multimodal Project Discretionary Grant Opportunity to begin the project that has been in the works since 2013. VDOT estimates the project will cost $750 million.
The links below provide more information regarding the importance of the I-64 corridor for regional travel and other efforts to enhance the link between RVA and Hampton Roads.
- I-64 OpportUNITY Connector Federal Grant Application
- I-64 Corridor Improvement Plan -
- Hampton Roads DRAFT Hazard Mitigation Plan -
- Updated I-64 OpportUNITY Connector Funding Commitments
Environmental Review
The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) is proposing to add one 12-foot travel lane in each direction along Interstate 64 (I-64) east and west lanes between Route 249/Bottoms Bridge (exit 205) and Route 199/Lightfoot (exit 234) in Henrico, New Kent, James City, and York counties. The proposed widening would take place in the median of I-64 within existing right-of-way.
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation in the form of a Categorical Exclusion (CE) has been prepared to evaluate the environmental impacts of the proposed widening of I-64 from four lanes to six between mile marker 204.96 and mile marker 233.26. On November 29, 2022, the Federal Highway Administration approved the CE, which is available below along with supporting technical documents
- Categorical Exclusion
- Supporting technical documentation:
Adjoining segments of the interstate between these two areas are six lanes or greater- hence, it has been deemed “the gap.” This is the stretch of the interstate where drivers put on the brakes - congestion is notorious, and continues to grow in the gap –disrupting one of Virginia’s most important thoroughfares.
Adding a third lane in each direction creates an opportunity connector unifying Richmond and Hampton Roads, growing the economy, improving the environment, and providing equitable opportunities for all. Virginia recognizes the importance of connecting these regions, and has steadily invested almost $600M in this corridor, completing 21 miles of widening in the Newport News area and 5 miles in eastern Richmond. These efforts, combined with the expansion of the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel at over $3.86B and the creation of the Hampton Roads Express Lanes network at over $900M, demonstrate a commitment to providing infrastructure that will be a solid foundation to deliver opportunities for all.
Robert J. Williams, AICP
Lat/Long: 37.4947154781291, -77.00781036757758
James City
New Kent