Route 33 Corridor Study
King and Queen CountyRoute 33 between the Mattaponi River and Buena Vista Road (Route 14)
Michael Baker International
King and Queen
Linda LaSut, Project Manager
(540) 899-4260
Kelly Hannon, VDOT Communications Manager
(540) 374-3344
Study Overview
The Virginia Department of Transportation completed a study of potential traffic operations and safety improvements on the Lewis B. Puller Memorial Highway / Route 33 corridor between the Mattaponi River and Buena Vista Road (Route 14) in King and Queen County.
This study examined safety issues for motorists, pedestrians, and other travel modes like bicyclists, and traffic congestion and access spacing issues. The study recommended improvements to address these issues.
Consultant firm Michael Baker International assisted VDOT with this study.
An online survey was open to public comment from March 11-25, 2022, to gather public input on draft study recommendations.