Recently Completed: Park and Ride Resurfacing in Spotsylvania, Stafford and Caroline Counties
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This project will resurface five Park and Ride commuter lots throughout the Fredericksburg area in Spotsylvania, Stafford, and Caroline counties during fall 2023.
Resurfacing will smooth the pavement and also freshen the lane markings.
For the Park and Ride commuter lots below, this work requires the lots to be closed for 15 consecutive days, weather permitting. Construction is being staggered to allow lot users to relocate on a temporary basis to the closest convenient Park and Ride lot.
The following lots will be resurfaced this fall:
Spotsylvania County
- Old Salem Church Road: Resurfacing work complete. The lot has reopened. A small portion of the lot remains closed due to drainage work.
- Gordon Road and Route 3: Work is complete. The lot has reopened.
Stafford County
- Falmouth (Route 17) Work is complete. The lot has reopened.
- Mine Road South: Work is complete. The lot has reopened.
Caroline County
- Carmel Church: Work is complete. The lot has reopened.
Due to the size of the Gordon Road Park and Ride lot, resurfacing work will be accomplished in sections and this lot will always remain open for parking with a reduced number of spaces. Lot sections B, C, and D will close first for resurfacing, and then once complete, section A will close for resurfacing. View the map of the lot here.
Before resurfacing begins in a lot, message boards will be posted to notify lot users.
To find an alternative Park & Ride lot location during these temporary lot closures, visit the Virginia Department of Transportation Park and Ride interactive map.
The project contractor is Superior Paving.
Additional Park and Ride Improvements
A $350,000 project for concrete repairs is already underway at spot locations in the Fredericksburg area Park and Ride lots. Crews are repairing damaged curbs and sidewalk panels. All ramps will be made accessible.
Planning efforts are also underway to identify and replace bus shelters and bicycle racks as needed in area Park and Ride lots.
GWRideConnect is a free ridesharing information and matching service for the Fredericksburg area, part of the George Washington Regional Commission.
Let GWRideConnect help you discover your commuting options, such as carpools, vanpools, and transit. Visit or call (540) 373-7665.
Resurfacing operations improve the condition and longevity of the parking lot and freshen the pavement markings.
Major funding source: State Maintenance Funds