Recently Completed: I-95 Southbound Rappahannock River Crossing
- The three existing I-95 southbound lanes between the exit 133 and exit 130 interchanges have been converted to three southbound lanes for local traffic serving the Route 17 and Route 3 interchanges and the Safety Rest Area and Welcome Center.
- Three new I-95 southbound lanes have been built in the current I-95 median to carry through traffic. Southbound traffic can enter these lanes before the Route 17 interchange. The median lanes merge together with the local traffic lanes south of the Route 3 interchange in Spotsylvania County.
- The project built an additional bridge over the Rappahannock River to carry the new lanes in the median. The northbound and southbound overpasses over Route 17 were replaced to raise their vertical height and install improved structures.
- All lanes of I-95 built through the I-95 Southbound Rappahannock River Crossing project will be untolled and open to all traffic.
The project contract was awarded to Wagman Heavy Civil, Inc., of York, Pa.
Virtual Public Information Center
The link will take you to an online meeting room with narrated display boards with design details, a construction schedule, and simulation videos for the project. The virtual public information center will remain available for the entirety of this project.
Improve 95 Brochure
Learn more about all of the major projects underway on I-95 in the Fredericksburg area through 2024 to build a better ride.
Work Zone Camera

View of I-95 at the Rappahannock River facing northbound, between the City of Fredericksburg and Stafford County
This project seeks to reduce I-95 southbound congestion at Fredericksburg by:
· providing local traffic with an additional route to travel between Route 17 and Route 3 without merging into the interstate's general purpose lanes
· doubling the I-95 southbound capacity in the area with three new lanes
· ramp modifications at the Exit 133 and Exit 130 interchanges
· replaces existing I-95 bridges over Route 17 that are structurally deficient, and improves height restrictions on Route 17 under I-95
Major Milestones
August 2018: Construction began
Winter 2019: Construction begins on I-95 bridge over the Rappahannock River
Spring 2019: Construction begins on Route 17
Fall 2020: Two I-95 ramps at Exit 133 will be temporarily closed during construction to provide space to build the new I-95 overpasses over Route 17, and to avoid merging and weaving near the construction work zone. Traffic will be diverted and still be able to enter or exit the interstate at the interchange
Oct. 13, 2021: New, second I-95 southbound bridge scheduled to open.
May 26, 2022: Construction complete
Leonard Coleman, P.E., VDOT Project Manager
Darragh Frye, VDOT Senior Communications Specialist
Project Photos
Phase: Recently Completed
UPC: 101595/110595/112046
State ID: 0095-111-259, P101, R201, C501; 0095-089-741; 0095-0089-751
Federal ID: IM-5111(235)
Lat/Long: 38.326644,-77.501531