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Virginia's Most Outstanding Crossing Guard Archives
2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013
Virginia's Most Outstanding Crossing Guards of 2019
Ursula Coleman Officer Ursula Coleman, the crossing guard at Venable Elementary School, is for many children the first face associated with the school at the beginning of the day and the last as they leave to go home. She greets everyone cheerfully while never wavering a moment from ensuring safety for all. She knows the children, which makes them feel welcomed and valued before they even set foot in the school. To top it off, she is patient, gracious, and excels at keeping our children safe and moving traffic efficiently. Ursula has drastically changed the safety and efficiency of drop off at Venable. Whenever she is present, parents know their children and their friends are safe and loved by an amazing public servant. |
Royce McCoy Royce McCoy, locally known as “Santa Cross,” is an expert at managing traffic flow, backups, and ensuring safety for kids who need to cross. But he might be more well known for his smile. Not a day goes by where Royce McCoy’s big smile doesn’t brighten the day of someone walking or driving through the intersection near Great Bridge High School and Great Bridge Intermediate, a two-school campus that serves over 2,200 students combined. Mr. McCoy, a retired firefighter, continues to serve his community as the school's traffic guru and he demonstrates pure happiness every morning and every afternoon during the week. McCoy received over four pages of comments lauding his kindness, positive attitude, and expertise in managing safety and traffic with a smile. From all these comments, one thing is clear – Mr. McCoy is a treasured and indispensable part of the Chesapeake community. |
Zeleke Taffesse There are some people who are just extra special. And it's not because they're the loudest or funniest or have the most personality. It's often because their true human kindness and charm shows through. Zeleke Taffesse from Taylor Elementary School, also known as Mr. Z, fits the bill. What better than to be greeted with a warm, friendly smile and a little bit of positive energy as you are coming or going from school? Whether you're an adult or a child, Mr. Z sees you, looks you in the eye, and greets you from his heart. He is careful. He is watchful. He takes his job seriously, but above all he is simply a good human whose smile stays with you after it's offered. Mr. Z is awesome! |
Mary Randolph Mary Randolph, crossing guard at Warrenton Middle School, has been a crossing guard for 32 years. In fact, she was the first ever crossing guard for Fauquier County Public Schools! During that time, Mrs. Randolph has done more than make children feel safe. She makes them look forward to going to the crossing. She has put her life in danger to stop motorists from harming the children. But mostly, they love her for making them feel seen. She knows their names; she remembers things they tell her about themselves; and she asks specific questions about their lives. They have drawn her pictures and made her art projects for her. Mrs. Randolph is an incredible soul and one of the most caring people in the world. Her nominators cannot imagine a more deserving civil servant. |
Wilma Modlin Wilma Modlin has been serving as crossing guard for Oceanair Elementary School for the past ten years. Ms. Wilma is an outstanding school crossing guard because the commitment to her students is always evident. Ms. Wilma knows her walkers by name. She knows which students are walking in a direction other than towards their homes. She makes it a point to commend students on their safe and positive behaviors. She even distributes small tokens for holidays to the students. She helps with the bus, traffic congestion, daycare vans, slipping and sliding students, and in any other way she can, always with that signature smile. Ms. Wilma truly goes above and beyond what is expected of her and is a role model in every sense of the word. |
Dina Perry Dina Perry goes above and beyond with ensuring the safety of the children and families at Belmont Station Elementary. She takes the time to learn everyone's names and has made a huge impact on so many kids. They have learned so much about safety when crossing streets on foot or on bike. No matter if it’s rain or shine... she brightens our day. Everyone looks forward to seeing Dina! One afternoon, it started raining really hard with thunder and lightning. The school delayed the dismissal of the students due to the storm, however a parent was already waiting outside. Dina called the parent over and allowed them to sit in her van until students were dismissed to ensure the parent’s safety from the storm as well. She is an amazing and dedicated member of the community! |
Virginia's Most Outstanding Crossing Guards of 2018
Clarence Daniels, Newsome Park Elementary (Newport News) Like the old post office motto, "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds," Mr. Daniels has been a very devoted crossing guard for fifteen years. He is at his post bright and early, ready to greet students and parents as they arrive to school in the morning. He is ever vigilant, watching for careless motorists, miscreants and unsafe situations that surround the school. Even when he has called out for the day, he could still be found at his morning post to make sure the students were safe. "I'll be sick after the morning late bell," he has been noted to say. His dedication is not limited to traditional school hours/days. There was an incident in the adjacent community on a Saturday when the students were returning from a field trip. Not officially on duty, Mr. Daniels kept in contact with the bus drivers to make sure they didn't get caught in an active shooting situation upon their return. He met the buses and made sure everyone was picked up safely. This is but one of many reasons Mr. Daniels should be Most Outstanding Crossing Guard. |
Holly Gorman, Gordon Elementary (North Chesterfield) Holly Gorman has been a school crossing guard for approximately two years at Gordon Elementary School. This year she has gone above and beyond to keep motorists and pedestrians safe. In the beginning of the year the traffic pattern at Gordon created a constant back up in the morning that blocked her crossing. She took it upon herself to meet with a school resource officer, the principal and her supervisor to come up with solutions. She quickly got the traffic pattern changed with painted arrows, cones and signage. She has approximately any where from 50 to 75 pedestrians and knows them all by name. When the supervisor covers for her the walkers are quick to say, " Where is Officer Gorman? She knows how to keep us safe." What a great bond and roll model to have for the pedestrians, students, and staff of Gordon Elementary School! |
Grace Maynard, Richard Bowling Elementary (Norfolk) Grace Maynard is very vigilant when it comes to the protection of our scholars at Richard Bowling Elementary School. She aides in the protection of any child being bullied. She also makes sure no child stands alone on the corner waiting for their ride. G. Maynard has being seen giving money to any child who has lost their lunch money on the way to school. Tying shoes is one of her specialties; no scholar crosses the street unless their shoes are tied. G. Maynard's smile lets scholars know that she loves them and wants them to be safe. Every scholar that crosses the street when G. Maynard is on duty is greeted with a "Good Morning" and "Have a nice day." Scholars ask about her when she takes a day off. Our parents have also come to trust her with their children. Many parents will wave, blow their horn, or just stop to say hi. She has dedicated ten years to the Coast Guard Auxiliary for Homeland Security, and is a proud sponsor of Junior Jaime Muchave, a two year old boy from Mozembique. G. Maynard is a great asset to the school and our community and we hope she stays for many more years to come. |
Joe McDonald, Coates Elementary (Herndon) Joe McDonald has a big heart, and we see it every day at Coates Elementary! Joe does not only come to Coates ES to flawlessly perform his job duties, he is part of our community. Joe builds relationships with our parents, teachers, administrators, and students. We all have confidence Joe is taking care of our students every day. Joe is also part of our schools' mentoring program. Each week, on his time off, he comes during a student lunchtime and spends time with them. If one of his walking students is absent for several days, he comes to the front office to check on their well-being. Joe also helped our school create and implement a safer kiss and ride procedure to insure the safety of our walking students. Here's a quick story: One of our autistic walker students was leaving mid-year to go to another school. Joe interacted with him and his mom everyday giving them high fives, hugs, and talking to this student. On the student's last day, Joe had a balloon and a gift for him! The mom was overwhelmed with gratitude, and surprised that Joe remembered her son's last day in such a caring way. This is the Joe McDonald we see every day at Coates. |
Kathy Patterson, Jamestown Elementary (Arlington) Our family lives directly across the street from Jamestown Elementary School, with full vantage to see the safety violations, close calls, and less than friendly attitudes from some drivers. Luckily, we also see everyday, twice a day, our champion, Kathy Patterson, the crossing guard who is ready and willing to take on these challenges to keep our children safe. Kathy not only fulfills the job of allowing our children to cross the street in the cross walk safely, but she does so much more. She arrives early to her post every day, places safety cones in locations to assist drivers in knowing where they cannot park and where they cannot stop. She uses her whistle for all good purposes - preventing delivery drivers from blocking the bus paths, drivers from blocking driveways of residences, drivers who attempt to make U-turns in the middle of the street, drivers who watch their kids walk down the sidewalk instead of watching in front of them on the road, and I could go on! Despite the demands of this difficult and pressure-filled job, Kathy is friendly and warm to all she helps. She wishes kids happy birthday, and gets to know the regular walkers. She's engaging with our children and parents, and seeks to be a positive influence in every respect. Her stern voice is saved for when it is truly needed - to prevent safety violations and crashes. And, she continues in this role for years even as she is berated by those safety violators who do not like to be "called out." |
Robert "Bob" Roberts, Shelburne Middle (Staunton) This nomination is being submitted posthumously. Our nominee, Mr. Bob Roberts, passed away on January 18, 2019. Bob worked right up until he was just too sick to continue. It was obvious to everyone that he loved his job; he always had a smile on his face (regardless of the weather) and received many compliments over the years from students, parents, and school staff. He was a beloved fixture on Grubert Avenue near Shelburne Middle School and was an absolute joy to work with. Bob's dedication to his job was apparent to everyone. Even though he was very sick Bob reported to work early every day with a big smile and great attitude. Bob will be greatly missed by all that worked with him.
Virginia's Most Outstanding Crossing Guards of 2017
Almaz Abebe, Arlington County Public Schools Almaz Abebe exhibits strength, awareness, and professionalism every day as a crossing guard at Kenmore Middle School. She always treats children with care and respect that is reflected in the respect children show her as they wait patiently to be crossed and do not flout the rules. One day in early September, Almaz saved an overeager 6th grader from being run over. According to the student's parent, "All of the traffic lights surrounding Kenmore were blinking yellow. The police department stationed a cruiser to stop traffic so that the crossing guard would be able to cross the children safely. My child, oblivious to her surroundings, stepped off the curb into oncoming traffic. Ms. Abebe physically lifted her out of the street and back onto the sidewalk. I saw the entire incident from two blocks away, and all I could think until Ms. Abebe got her back onto the sidewalk was 'My child almost died on her first day walking to middle school.' I am incredibly thankful." |
Dave Becker, Loudoun County Public Schools The nominations for Dave Becker make it clear he is a pillar in his community. As a crossing guard, he exceeds expectations in kindness, safety, and consistency, and people remark that he makes kids feel cared for as they start and end their day. While remaining attentive to students, he also waves to commuters and parents driving past. Dave is present during the heat, cold, rain, and snow, and always has a smile on his face while maintaining a safe environment for the children. Parents at Emerick Elementary and Blue Ridge Middle School appreciate his "kind-hearted approach and message. They are grateful to him for the value he places in his work." David is a retired firefighter, and continually seeks other opportunities to be involved, making announcements over the school loudspeakers and attending school events and musical productions. |
Beeda Lee-Pawlak, Fairfax County Public Schools Beeda Lee-Pawlak is a first year crossing guard duty, but those who nominated her have "never been more impressed with a crossing guard." Beeda expertly manages the busy intersection of Westmorland Street and Haycock Road, and her friendly and firm demeanor effectively conveys to cars and buses how to operate, with minimal back up. Bus drivers understand exactly when to stop and turn without hesitation or confusion. Beeda's hard work, diligence, kindness, and control allow students to arrive at school smiling and ready to learn. Parents emphasize that despite the busy traffic their children must cross, they feel confident knowing that Beeda is there to assist them. "Her whistle, uniform, and hand motions are always crisp and perfect. I have never seen a crossing guard who does her job so well! It prompted me to call the school just to find out who she is so I could nominate her!" |
Doris McKellick, Chesapeake Public Schools Doris McKellick has served as a crossing guard in Chesapeake for over 30 years, taking the utmost care in her job every day, rain or shine. With a smile on her face, she commands the attention of drivers while ensuring students cross safely. Each day she coordinates with the School Safety Officer to ensure that arrival and dismissal for walkers, bikers, and buses happens in a safe and efficient manner. After leaving Thurgood Marshall Elementary, she reports to another school in the district for a second crossing guard shift. Doris' dedication is evident to all who know her. As one parent remarked, "I remember seeing Mrs. Doris when my son was still in primary school - she is well past retirement age and is still working! She is so dedicated and sweet." |
Bruce and Kathleen Morrison, Chesterfield County Public Schools Bruce and Kathleen Morrison are a unique couple in Chesterfield County, and in addition to being wonderful crossing guards, they are key assets to the community. They know all walkers and their parents by name and often take the time to help students coordinate with their parents if there is an issue. Bruce and Kathleen never miss a day, and if they are out sick, the community actively reaches out to know what is happening and if any assistance is needed. As "true examples of community policing," Bruce and Kathleen demonstrate continual awareness and sensitivity. They have reported vandalism, suspicious cars, damaged signs, and speeding cars, and often pick up trash and tree branches. To make crossing safer, they even take initiative to put out extra cones and equipment. Outside of their crossing guard duties, Bruce and Kathleen frequently check on elderly neighbors in case assistance is needed and help find lost pets.
Anne Rodriguez, Fairfax County Public Schools Anne Rodriguez, who has been a crossing guard for the past five years, is a special part of the community. While helping all students cross safely, she also is attentive to carpoolers and makes potentially negative and chaotic situations easy. Every walker and bike rider is greeted with a smile, and she often gives kids high fives. She knows students' names, as well as the names of their siblings and parents. Students adore her, and she has the ability to make tired, grumpy kids happy again. One "would be hard-pressed to find someone who loves their job more than Ms. Anne. She high-fives or stoops to hug little ones, acknowledging every single person--and sometimes dances a bit when on the job. She has a warm smile she uses often, and she makes the start of the day pleasant in every way."
Virginia's Most Outstanding Crossing Guards of 2016
Roger Tally, Hampton Middle School (Woodbridge)
Mr. Roger Tally's dedication to Hampton Middle School is evident in the number of students who took the time to nominate him. With 39 nominations this year, the majority of which came from students, it is obvious that Mr. Tally is a role model and an outstanding crossing guard for Hampton Middle School. His commanding yet welcoming voice and pleasant personality play a big role at Hampton Middle School. Mr. Tally comes in at the beginning of each school year to talk to students about the importance of following the safety rules when walking to school.
Roger provides clear instructions for drivers, predictably starting his shift before students travel the sidewalks. He greets every student that crosses towards school, and even other pedestrians, such as those heading to the public bus. He encourages and entertains the students in his brief daily contacts. With over 15 years of experience, students describe him as, "probably the best crossing guard any school in the county can have" and "the BEST crossing guard in the WORLD."
Ana Hernandez, Ashlawn Elementary (Arlington)
Ana Hernandez is the ever smiling crossing guard at Ashlawn Elementary School in Arlington who is present rain, snow, or shine. She is described by those who nominated her as cheerful and caring, always taking the time to explain to kids the importance of pedestrian safety. Ana is known to have a firm control over the flow of buses, cars, construction vehicles, bikers, and pedestrians who travel through her intersection, working patiently but firmly to ensure the safety of students. If you make a mistake, you are sure to hear her whistle!
One parent who nominated Ana claimed that, "everyone is secretly glad when one has to wait by her side for traffic to pass because Ana asks after you in a way that brings instant sun into your life, no matter the actual weather." The same parent went on to say that, "after 20 years of walking this route (between my own children attending and now as Ashlawn staff), I can say no other crossing guard comes close to the cheerful, skilled, gracious Ana Hernandez!" Ana truly is an outstanding crossing guard!
Sadie White, Fairfield Court Elementary School (Richmond)
Sadie White has established an excellent rapport with the Fairfield Court Elementary School community over the past five years. She is respected and loved by students, parents, and faculty who know to look to her for instruction when travelling to or from school. Ms. White is also extremely courageous having escorted students to safety following shootings near the school on two occasions. Ms. White put herself in harm's way to protect students when a car made an illegal turn into her crosswalk earlier this year. Although she broke her arm in the incident, she was back at work within days!
Vickie Taylor, Galax Middle School (Galax)
"I love you, but I'll correct you," is a motto of sorts for Officer Vickie Taylor, a 15-year veteran of the Galax City Police Department and a school resource officer for 13 years. When not assisting students in the crosswalks at Galax Middle and High Schools, she is active in the students' lives teaching classes in gang resistance, girl's self-defense, crime prevention through National Night Out and as an assistant coach of the JV girls' softball team. Taylor also staffs the obstacle course for Safe Routes to School Bike Rodeos. She tries to encourage the students, help give direction to them and even, on occasion, will pick them up and take them to school. "She does it all," says Debbie Shaw, Galax High School secretary. Students and staff agree: "The best thing that I can say about Officer Taylor is that after working with her for over 10 years, in every situation, she always has the students' best interests at heart", says Galax High School principal Justin Iroler. "Officer Taylor will move mountains to try and help the students she serves. We are very fortunate to have Officer Taylor in our community working with our students."
Anne Byrd, Spotswood Elementary School (Harrisonburg City)
Anne Byrd is the friendly and attentive school crossing guard at Spotswood Elementary School in Harrisonburg, greeting students, parents, and teachers as they arrive at school. Recently, Anne's attentiveness helped to keep a child safe. Anne noticed when a student a block away from Anne's post was approached by a stranger who got out of his car. Anne quickly rescued the student, then drove the student home and worked with the family to file a police report. The Spotswood Elementary School community is safer because of Anne!
Regina Jordan, Larchmont Elementary School (Norfolk)
Responsible for helping over 300 Larchmont Elementary school families, Old Dominion University students, and students attending nearby Catholic schools safely get to school, Regina Jordan has her hands full! However, Regina not only helps students cross the street, but teaches pedestrian safety in the process. With over 10 years at Larchmont Elementary, she knows current and past students and families by their first and last name and even greets international families in other languages! Described by those who nominated her as "sunshine," Regina always has a smile on her face and is fixture of the Larchmont Elementary community.
Virginia's Most Outstanding Crossing Guards of 2015
Ruth Grayson Hill, Clark Elementary School (Charlottesville)
Virginia Haden, Ruby F. Carver Elementary School (Henrico) |
Sharon Hawkins, Ettrick Elementary School (Chesterfield) Sharon Hawkins has been a school crossing guard for over 25 years in Chesterfield County. Sharon is a great example of a school crossing guard who knows and is committed to her students. Sharon knows all her walkers, young and old, by name. If a student’s parents don’t show up at dismissal, Sharon will escort them back to the school to contact the parents. When Sharon’s crossing location was under construction, she worked with the school to put up extra cones and signage to help alert drivers to pedestrians in the area. She takes the time to educate bike riders and pedestrians on safety issues, and compliments positive behavior, even purchasing small tokens as rewards for students. Truly going above and beyond, Sharon pays attention to students in need and has purchased gloves and coats for students lacking proper winter gear. She is an excellent example of community policing. |
Denise Duesing, Chamberlayne Elementary School (Henrico) |
Christine Coates, Liberty Elementary School (Ashburn) Christine Coates is an outstanding school crossing guard at Liberty Elementary School, one of the largest elementary schools in Loudoun County. Her job was complicated with a recent change in policy which resulted in a requirement for parents to park across the street and walk with their children from the school across the street. Christine has facilitated this difficult change and significant increase in pedestrian crossings with ease, ensuring the safety of all those walking. In addition to being a fantastic crossing guard, she is a long-time Liberty parent, a cafeteria monitor for the children, and has served in various positions on our PTA. Liberty is the school it has become, in part, because of Christine Coates. |
Lawrence "Dick" Norton, Stafford Senior High and Gayle Middle Schools (Stafford) Dick Norton, a school crossing guard for Stafford County Public Schools, directs traffic at Stafford Senior High and Gayle Middle Schools. Dick arrives at Stafford Senior High at 6:30 AM every day no matter the weather, and in an hours' time, he controls and directs well over 3,000 vehicles, including school buses. With experience and vigilance, Dick accepts this challenge and has become a master at traffic safety and reporting infractions while maintaining a wonderful relationship with staff, students, neighbors, pedestrians and motorists alike. In the afternoon, Dick directs traffic and assists with crossing at Gayle Middle School. As a role model for students and staff he believes in getting the job done with skill, pride and professionalism. In 2015, Dick was recognized by YOVASO (Youth of Virginia Speak Out About Traffic Safety) for his compassion and dedication to keeping his students safe. |
Virginia's Most Outstanding Crossing Guards of 2014
Sheila Richardson – Samuel Tucker Elementary School (Alexandria) Ms. Sheila Richardson works hard to ensure that everyone arrives at school in a timely manner while maintaining the highest level of safety. She is always willing to help the students and parents, arriving at her post earlier than expected to check the school grounds, and assisting late arrivals in the parent drop off area after she finishes with her crossing guard duties. She is aware of the many events that happen throughout the school day and makes changes to ensure that the school day runs smoothly. Ms. Sheila is a special part of the Tucker Elementary School community. She gives high fives and offers support to nervous children and parents on the first day of school. She has contacted police in regards to a stolen bicycle and stayed late to ensure it was recovered. Parents place so much confidence in Ms. Sheila that 2nd and 3rd graders walk from the corner to school independently under her watch. Cold weather is no match for her dedication; Ms. Sheila clears snow and helps walkers navigate their way through the icy areas on their way to school. |
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Cheryl Belloli – Centreville and Union Mill Elementary Schools, Liberty Middle School (Centreville) |
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Marietta Pierce – Antietam and Westridge Elementary Schools, Lake Ridge Middle School (Woodbridge) Mrs. Pierce is the model crossing guard and has been a beloved part of the Westridge community for 11 years! She executes her duties at such an exemplary level that her professional performance alone should merit recognition. However, Mrs. Pierce also manages to maintain a personal connection with the children that goes above and beyond the call of duty. For over a decade, Mrs. Pierce has served as a stalwart symbol within our community; safeguarding our children and our neighborhood, getting to know kindergarteners by name and easing their transition with a friendly and familiar face, and maintaining her unique relationship with the kids to their graduation and beyond. Mrs. Pierce's rare absence never goes without notice or concern, and her return is always warmly welcomed and appreciated by all. |
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Jeff Covel – Nottingham Elementary School (Arlington) Jeff Covel’s presence on 30th and Ohio has become essential each morning and afternoon. The neighborhood is thankful to have him. He knows everybody's names, and always greets us with a big smile He does an outstanding job as a guard with a strong commitment to safety and has total control of the intersection, giving a friendly wave to every single car that passes him in the mornings. He very nicely counsels kids to behave in a safer manner, such as reminding them not to bounce a ball as they cross the street, and will give high fives to toddlers as they go by. The kids and parents alike look forward to seeing him every morning on their way to school, as he never fails to spread good cheer. His positivity is indefatigable and contagious. He greets people by name and is cheerful and upbeat in the foulest of weather. He somehow manages this while being incredibly focused on stopping traffic and keeping pedestrians safe. Safety is always first and foremost. |
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Edie Adcock – Wolftrap Elementary School (Vienna) |
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Fred Bobbitt – Galax Elementary School (Galax) After 29 years as a deputy, Officer Fred Bobbitt became a certified school resource officer at Galax Elementary School for the past two years. Students from pre-K to 4th grade respect him and it shows. Officer Bobbitt knows most students by name, but he isn’t afraid to use his adult voice to call them when he must. He is also good for hugs by the kids, chatter about their day and being a friend to all. Ask him and he will tell you, being a crossing guard also gives him the chance to teach safety and gauge any other issues the students may have. Bobbitt also walks a group of students to the nearby recreation center for an after-school program. Tammy Haga, the program’s director said it best, “They adore him.” He is a positive, encouraging, comforting role model. Just watch the students’ faces light up when they are with him.” |
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Virginia's Most Outstanding Crossing Guards of 2013
Angie Thigpen, Charles Barret Elementary School (Alexandria) Not only is she the crossing guard during school arrival and dismissal but it’s not unusual to see her volunteering to help out during special events at the school or during lunchtime at the cafeteria. She is relentlessly efficient and focused when it comes to keeping the community safe and I have never seen her without a smile and kind word for the parents and kids. She is amazing. Angie gives me daily updates on how my daughter was in school. She was the first person to make me feel like I belonged in the community. She has a big smile every day that makes you feel special. |
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Sheryl Mull, Stratford Landing Elementary School (Fairfax) Ms. Mull is present, energetic, armed with a broad smile as she approached the daunting task of ensuring the safety of 915 students arriving at Stratford Landing daily via bus, car, and foot. She has lots of passion for her job and demonstrates it every morning and afternoon as she keeps us all safe. She has purchased reflective gear to wear and hold, making her a bright sight on Riverside Road, so cars are aware of her directions at all times. She regularly communicates with the school administrator and patrol sponsor about issues on Riverside Road as well as offers helpful suggestions for our school that we can share with parents. She even appears at school functions to educate parents and students on the safest procedures for school drop off and pick up. Ms. Mull is an outstanding Crossing Guard, loved by our community. |
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Fancelle Liggins, Cumberland High School, Cumberland Middle School and Cumberland Elementary (Cumberland) Fancelle Liggins has served Cumberland County Public Schools as a crossing guard since 1993. She takes her job seriously, always putting the safety of the students first. She not only monitors the students, but watches for unsafe drivers, assists other pedestrians, and checks for unsafe street conditions. Mrs. Liggins regularly participates in training activities so that she can be the best possible crossing guard. Her attendance is excellent, and she is outside during all seasons and all weather, ranging from freezing cold in winter to scorching heat in summer. She is pleasant to work with, always has a smile for students, parents, staff, and community members. She can be seen every afternoon, wearing her regulation steel-toed boots and hard hat, standing in the middle of busy Route 60 directing traffic so that the buses and students can walk safely. |
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Phyllis Krapf, Armstrong Elementary School (Herndon) Mrs. Krapf is an outstanding crossing guard! Her mantra must be "the kids' safety comes first." She makes cars, school buses and even police cars wait for pedestrians. Our family admires Mrs. Krapf so much! We look forward to her smiling face every day, and we always know that she is there to help us safely cross the busy Lake Newport Road. She definitely goes above and beyond when she looks out for us when we are running late for school. We are thankful for her assistance! And my eight year old loves it when she blows her whistle at the cars! |
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Jim O’Brien, Johnson-Williams Middle School and Berryville Primary (Berryville) Mr. O'Brien has been working with Clarke County Schools for 12 years and he is a constant fixture on the corner of Main Street and Lincoln Avenue in all kinds of weather. He greets each student, parent or community member with a smile and a kind word. The bus drivers in the division know that traffic will flow well and students will be safe with Mr. O'Brien at his post. Everyone in the neighborhood looks forward to his friendly wave as they drive past him. Mr. O'Brien is so dedicated that he scheduled his last surgery so as to limit the amount of days that he would be away from his corner. The days that he did miss, the substitute was constantly asked, "When will Mr. O'Brien be back?" |
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Caroline Woolwine, Radford High School, John Dalton Intermediate School and McHarg Elementary School (Radford) Mrs. Woolwine is an incredibly important part of our school community. She has served as a crossing guard for the Radford City Schools for many, many years. She takes her job seriously and is always pleasant and inviting with the students she serves. On a daily basis, you can find her at the intersection of 12th and Robertson Streets, assisting our walkers to our after school program, working with disadvantaged students to the high school, and supporting many athletic events. She knows the students' names and is familiar with the families, as well. The students respect her and she genuinely loves each of them. She is extremely dedicated and hardworking and rarely misses work no matter how she feels or the weather conditions. We appreciate her enthusiasm and her kind disposition each morning and afternoon. She is a tremendously important part of our family. |
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