VDOT News - Lynchburg
IMMEDIATE Len Stevens 434-856-8176 len.stevens@vdot.virginia.gov |
LYN-193392 May 12, 2022 |
Route 501 Southbound traffic to detour in Halifax County
Weather permitting, detour will begin on June 9

Lynchburg, Va. - Beginning Thursday, June 9, weather permitting, about a mile of southbound Route 501 (L P Bailey Memorial Highway) in Halifax County will be closed to traffic and a detour will be put into place.
Southbound Route 501 will be closed between the northern intersection with Route 610 (Murphy Grove Road) and the southern intersection with Route 610 (Murphy Grove Road).
Drivers will need to detour around the closure using Route 610 (Murphy Grove Road). During the detour, a one-way traffic pattern will be in place along Route 610 (Murphy Grove Road).
Message boards and signs will be posted to alert drivers to the upcoming closure and the detour route. The detour is expected to remain in place until September 2022.
Closing this section of southbound Route 501 is needed as part of a safety and operational improvement project to construct new passing lanes, widen shoulders, and install rumble strips.
For traffic information on Virginia’s roadways, visit www.511Virginia.org.
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