VDOT News - Fredericksburg



Kelly Hannon 540-374-3344
540-656-0321 cell


May 15, 2020

Take an online survey to provide feedback on existing travel along Route 1 between Commonwealth Drive and Caroline County line

FREDERICKSBURG, Va. The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) invites the public to participate in a virtual public comment opportunity to share their feedback on traveling Route 1 in Spotsylvania County between Commonwealth Drive and the Caroline County line.

In partnership with Spotsylvania County, VDOT is developing an arterial management plan for approximately 8 miles of Route 1 located south of the Cosner’s Corner area. The plan will identify future potential transportation projects along Route 1 that would enhance safety and capacity, while balancing the need for economic development and access management.

To gather public input at the beginning of this planning process, VDOT has launched a study page with information materials and an online survey:


The online survey will be open to accept comments through June 5, 2020.

Comments received at this stage will help determine which locations along Route 1 should be reviewed for potential improvements as part of the arterial management plan.

As part of the plan development process, the project team will analyze the most recent five years of crash data, review existing traffic signal timing, look at planned or possible future economic development, collect traffic counts during weekday peak hours, and investigate appropriate growth rates for future traffic volumes. 

Draft recommendations for potential projects will be presented to the public in late 2020. The public will have an opportunity to comment on the draft recommendations before the plan is finalized.

For individuals who prefer to share comments in writing or by email, comments may be sent to Linda LaSut, VDOT Project Manager, 87 Deacon Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22405, or emailed to fred.comments@vdot.virginia.gov. Please reference “Route 1 Corridor Study” in the email subject line.

Print copies of the online survey are available to be mailed to the public. To request a mailed copy of the survey, please contact the project manager at the contact information listed above or by phone at (540) 899-4260.

VDOT ensures nondiscrimination and equal employment in all programs and activities in accordance with Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. If you need further information on these policies or need special assistance for persons with disabilities or limited English proficiency, please contact the project manager at the phone number listed above (TTY users call 711).


VDOT’s 14-county Fredericksburg District includes the counties of Caroline, King George, Spotsylvania and Stafford in the Fredericksburg area; Northumberland, Richmond, Lancaster and Westmoreland counties in the Northern Neck; Essex, Gloucester, King & Queen, King William, Mathews and Middlesex counties in the Middle Peninsula.

Information in VDOT news releases was accurate at the time the release was published. For the most current information about projects or programs, please visit the project or program Web pages. You may find those by searching by keyword in the search Virginia DOT box above.

Page last modified: Aug. 29, 2023